Chapter 12: Mama Liger

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That's when I snapped. Mama Liger's gonna rear her face. I got up, turned to Belarus slowly, sized up to her, and roared like a liger. Then I hogtied her with her own sword, used my Force powers to throw her around the room, then I went outside and Force threw her like a football. She went flying, most likely into another country's airspace.

"I HOPE SWITZERLAND SHOOTS YA DOWN!!" I yelled at her. I went to Russia. The slice over his gut wasn't deep enough for his guts to fall out, but the cut went all the way across his stomach and he was bleeding worse than I was. There was a First Aid kit on the wall. I wrapped him up.

"Russia! Stay with me dude!" I yelled while shaking him.

"Tigritsa...." He started.


"I guess we are even now, da?" He said, trying to laugh.

"Stay with me Russia, stay with me!"

"I just want to say...... I really loved you being here....."

"I did too. Please, don't go!" I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help it. "I love you!"

"I love you too....." Russia tried to sit up, so I got him into a sorta sitting position and kissed him. After I pulled away, he slowly closed his eyes and I started crying even harder. After a little while, I finally pulled myself together and carried Russia to his room. As I set him on the bed, his scarf wrapped itself around my neck like he'd wear it.

I sorta had a vigil for Russia for an entire week. Lithuania brought me food every day. I treated Russia's wound every day.

"Where were YOU GUYS when this happened?" I asked Lithuania one day when he brought me food.

"I didn't even now this was happening until I walked into that room and saw you roar at Belarus." He answered.

"Ya really didn't hear us screamin'?"

"You were screaming?"

"Never mind, just go." After he left that day, I treated Russia's wound again. At least the bleeding stopped. I kept on putting new bandages over it just in case he started bleeding again. On the last day, I thought I saw him move!

"Ooohhhh..." He moaned. He's awake! He started to sit up.

"Russia!" I yelled, then I hugged him really lightly as to not hurt him further. "I knew you weren't dead, I just knew it!"

"Where am I?" He asked after I let go.

"You're in your room." He looked down and realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"And what happened to my shirt?"

"I was changin' your bandages and treatin' your cut every day. It was just faster to leave your shirt off than to take it off then put it back on every time."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"You're shirt's over there." Then I pointed at the chair I put his shirt on. Russia then tried to walk, but he fell. I helped him up, put his arm over my shoulders and helped him walk. He put his shirt and coat on, I gave him his scarf back and we went to get some food.

"Mr. Russia, you're alright!" Latvia said as we walked into the kitchen. I sat him down at a table.

"I got an idea of somethin' to eat."

"It's 18:00 hours." Translation: 6 P.M.

"Sweet! Perfect time to start! Do ya guys have any deer meat here?"

"I think we do in the fridge." Estonia said, then he looked in the fridge. "Yes, we do." He put a plastic bowl with a lid on the counter. I opened it to see a bunch of deer meat in it.

"Sweetness!" I exclaimed. I found some jalapeñoes and bacon, they had a grill and I got to work. I made our sour cream stuff, hollowed out the jalapeñoes, stuffed it with deer meat, wrapped each in bacon and grilled them. After they were done cooking, I put the sour cream stuff into them and they were ready to eat.

"What's that delicious smell?" Lithuania asked as he poked his head through the door.

"A dish we make in my family only on special occasions. Or if we're teaching someone how to make it." I explained, then set the plates on the table. "Dig in! Just remember: there's toothpicks in there to hold the bacon in place." They all tried it, and they had the look of delightful taste on their faces after they took their first bite.

"This is delicious!" Latvia commented. They all loved it. After they all thanked me, I went to bed.

-----------------Russia's POV------------------

"Miss Tīģeriene is like a mother, isn't she?" Latvia asked after she left. I nodded. She is a great girl.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked them.

"An entire week. Miss Tīģeriene never left your side. Lithuania brought her food."

"She did all that for me?" They all nodded. Wow, she really cares about me a lot. I feel like I should do something for her.

After Tsvesti came back from her trip, I decided to ask her what I should do for Tigritsa.

"Tsvesti, can I ask you something?" I asked as I walked up to her.

"Sure." She answered.

"I'm trying to think of something to do for Tigritsa to show her I care about her."

"Aaaaawwwww, well I know what you can do, and I can help you with it."

"What is it?"

--------------------------later, in Tigress' POV------------------------

I was sharpening my katanas when Russia came up to me.

"Sup Russia." I said.

"I wanted to give you this. To thank you, for everything." He handed me a little black box. I opened it to see a necklace with rubies in the shape of a star and a jade in the center on a little metal plate. The chain was made of silver. It's beautiful.

"I love it. Thank you." I put it on, stood up and kissed him.

------------at the next Allies meeting--------------

"I have intel that Germany's planning to invade each of us, starting with Russia, aru." China said after we all got there.

"He is?" England asked.

"Let freak them out yo!" America exclaimed.

"Why would we do that?"

"To teach them a lesson. If we scare them, they won't come after us again!"

"That's a good point." The others agreed after that.

"Ya sure ya want us part of this? Last time we scared someone shitless, it mentally scarred them." I told them.

"It's true, we're epic at scaring people." Blossem agreed. "And a little TOO epic at that."

"Yeah, we WANT to mentally scar him!" America told us.

"Alright then, I got an idea." I said, then turned to Blossem. "Streets Dreams. Lump Your Head. Liars and Monsters. Another Way Out. Vampires Everywhere!" I know she'll know exactly what I mean.

"Nice choice." She complimented. "Dead Bite. Massacre. Prepare Your Weapon. It's Just Me. Kill Everyone?" I nodded.

"What?" America asked. "What the Hell does that mean?"

"Just know that this'll mentally scar 'em for life." I told them, then smiled evilly. "And we can use Italy and Romano's already existing fear of Russia for this." This's gonna be awesome..........

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