Chapter 24: G8 Sleep over

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"Hey, dudes!! Let's tell some scary stories!!!" America exclaimed at the G8 sleep over. America dragged us here. For some reason, Spain was there. I'm guessing he wasn't gonna leave Romano. Blossem wasn't there because it was too soon after the change and Hungary wasn't part of the G8. Blossem tried to bite Hungary seven times in two hours. We'd find random people off the streets for her to feed on and if they lived, I erased their memory of what happened.

"Alright, I don't see why not. Who has a really scary story?" England asked.

"I have one." Japan said. America tossed him a flashlight and Japan told the story of the Himuro mansion. "Does anyone erse have a story?"

"I know one!!" I exclaimed. Japan handed me the flashlight. I turned it on, shined the light under my face and took out my iPod. "Alright. I'm gonna tell you guys a story called a 'Creepypasta'." Italy and Romano got excited the second I said 'pasta'. "And I'm gonna read this off straight from the website. This is the Creepypasta for the Rake." I read them the pasta for Rake, turned off the flashlight and smiled. (A/N: picture of the Rake on the side) America, Canada, Romano, Italy and Prussia were freaking out. England, France, China, Japan, Germany and Spain all did a sorta scared sweat-drop. Russia was just there, smiling.

"I'm starting to see why Russia loves her." England whispered to France. France nodded in agreement.

"Is it real?" America asked.

"I believe it's real. But others don't. There's Creepypastas about you guys, actually."

"Really?" England asked.

"Yeah. There's one where Germany and Japan drown Italy, gut him like a fish then roast his guts over a fire and ate 'em. There's one where Romano kills everyone in the Axis. There's one where Canada kills America, England and France. There's another that's exactly the same, just switch America and Canada. There's even theories that each of you were once regular human and you all died in different ways, then you became the countries. The theories actually explain different things about you guys."

"How we die in the stories, aru?" China asked.

"Let's see... You were a child laborer and died in a kitchen fire. Japan was forced into an arranged marriage and committed seppuku. Germany died in a coma. Prussia died in a war. Italy hid depression and killed himself. Romano died in the womb. Spain died of a disease that left him bed-ridden. Canada was neglected and died of starvation. America died of anorexia nervosa cause he kept makin' himself throw up. England died from overdose of hallucinatin' drugs. France was a prostitute and died from aids. And Russia was schizophrenic and died tryin' to break outta an asylum." They all just stared at me. "There's theories for other countries too."

"Like who?" France asked.

"Austria, Romania, Hungary, the Nordic five, the Baltics, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Seychelles, Korea, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Sealand." England, China, Japan and Russia just stared at me. England doedn't wanna hear about Sealand, China and Japan don't wanna hear about the Orientals and Russia doedn't wanna hear about the Baltics and Ukraine.

"I think it's time for bed." England said.

"Alright!!" I said happily. Italy wanted to sleep in a separate building and dragged Germany and Romano with him. Spain followed them. I was laying down next to Russia, who was laying down next to China. I started coughing really hard. Everyone was looking at me, worried.

"Are you alright?" England asked me. I stopped coughing and I cleared my throat.

"I'm fine." I answered.

"Are you sure?" France asked.

"I'm fine!"

"Want a burger?" America offered, holding out a burger to me. That specific burger was the one that he was just about to take a bite out of.

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