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"I need to tell you something" my mom said.


" I have Cancer. "

"Whats that?"

I had no idea what it was at the time. I mean I was 6, give me a break.

" A disease"

"Oh... So are you going to the doctor to get medicine so you will be fine in a couple of days?"


" Why don't you leave mommy alone for some time. She must be tired. " My dad said.

Yes, I called my mom mommy. Now not a peep to anyone, because I already knew I was weird... and crazy. "Ok" And I literally skipped to my room. I might be , mentally crazy...

"What was that about?" I flipped my head looking in the direction of the voice...

What was that about?" asked my sister

"What was what?"

"Why did they call you, are you in trouble?"

"No!!! But YOU should be!!"



"Anyway, MommygotsomethingcalledCancerandIthinkacoldismorebadbecauseDaddysaidMommywastiredbutMommylookedfine." I rushed.

"What?" She said. I love her but she talks faster than me and still cant other stand me? Oh Geez.

"I SAID: Anyway, Mommy got something called Cancer, and I think a cold is more bad, because Daddy said Mommy was tired, but Mommy looked fine." I shot evil eyes at her. ( Kindergartens had evil eyes, not death glares)


A/N: So writing wise, how do you think I can improve? Thanks and please comment!!

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