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~Arabelle's POV~

I put away my old phone away and replaces it with my new one. Arabelle's phone.

But even as I did that, I still couldn't make the echo of Isabelle's voice go away. I just don't want anymore trouble than I already have. And then silence as she hung up on me.

Isabelle. The one who ditched me and lied to me and had been anything but a good friend to me. How could I now be nervous for her?? How could I be sad that she was sad?

"Hey, are you new here?" I heard to my left. I was leaning against the wall of my school, chilling with my phone in my hand. Usually people don't interrupt me when I'm texting. Especially not strangers. But apparently this guy - a young kid, a freshman probably - doesn't care about what's ordinary. He's wearing a ratty dark jacket, black jeans, and sunglasses that cover his entire face. The little skin I can see is paper-white.

I slip Arabelle's phone into my pocket, right next to Melody's. The kid eyes my pocket, obviously curious as to why in the world I have two phones.

"Yeah, I'm new," I said carefully.

He smiled. And it wasn't a warm smile, either. "No," he said, "You're not."

I froze.

His smile widened, and he leaned against the wall next to me, inches away from me. The gesture's too companion-like for a creepy kid who I just met.

"I confess," he said, "I didn't actually need to ask you that question. I already knew the answer."

And that's when an earthquake started, and a locker fell on him, silencing him forever.


"You been here since the school started, so you can't be new" he smiled at me. The sentence sounded like he didn't know anything, but his tone was suggestive. He went away, and I started to calm myself down. What secret did I have? That I'm Melody. Who would this secret hurt? My friends. Is that that bad seeing how they aren't really your friends? I guess not.

I am going mental. I just had a conversation with myself.

I decided to go home and skip the rest, the one class I had after lunch, because that kid was waaay too creepy for me to concentrate in my next class.

I went to go find Isabelle. As I turned the corner, I bumped into someone, sending everything in my arms falling to the ground.

The person who I bumped into bent down to help me pick up the book.

"Sorry." They said. It sounded like Isabelle?

"Isabelle?" I asked the person.

"Who aski-, oh hi Arabelle. I was just looking for you." She told me.

" Oh. Same." I laughed.

"Anyway, I was going to let you know, that I'm skipping theist class." She told me.

I gave a strange look and raised my eyebrows.

"What?" She said laughing at my weird expression.

"Have you been reading my mind? Because that's what I was going to tell you." I told her.

"Seriously?" she laughed. But it was not a light-hearted laugh. Beneath the surface was a nervousness that I had no idea Isabelle, of all people, had. I nodded, laughing with her.

Maybe Isabelle isn't so be after all...

But now, if I told her I was Melody, it would ruin all of my friendships...

"You know," I tell Isabelle as we get in the car, "Do you want to go to the park and just get to know each other more. I mean the at the park at the end of summer I learned a little bit about you but not a lot. Plus Melody told me some things about you." I told her smiling.

"Hopefully Melody said all good things", she laughed. "Sure, that sounds like a great idea." She said smiling at me.

"Great!" I replied.

She started the car and took us to the park. It was one of those tiny parks that you would find in a small place in a neighborhood if you know what I mean.

There, we sat down on the swings and started swinging.

"This is my favorite part of park, the swings." I told her. She nodded and smiled, indicating that it was the same for her.

"Yup. So with the questions, what do you want to know?" She asked.

"Melody said you went to Italy, what was it like? Are you Italian?" I asked her.

She froze and stopped swinging.

~Isabelle's POV~


A/N: Tada. Hope you like my cliffhangers! Remember, Melody was the only one who was told Isabelle went to Italy... So yeah. Bye!


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