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~Isabelle's POV~

First day of school. Done, and I was so glad it was over. It is hard to keep a secret. Especially if it's a secret that could hurt you.

"Okay, I'm going to go now. Have a good day!!" I told Arabelle.

"Okay!!! Bye!!"she said. I swear, Arabelle is like the British blonde model version of Melody. So sweet. So kind. So... perfect. Me? All I hear when I go home is Melody this, Melody that, Melody everywhere!!! I'm nothing like her!!! She is- was not even my proper friend, but still my parents still compare me to her.

I stressed about this in my head, coming my hand through my blond hair. I looked down at my phone, rereading all of mine and Melody's texts. That was until I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I said not looking up.

"Isabelle?" I looked up to reveal James, Melody's ex and my, well my boyfriend who I took a break from while I was in 'Italy'.

"How are you?" I asked, trying to b polite.

"Good. You?" He replied.

"Brilliant," I said raising my eyebrows and rolling my eyes. "And in a hurry, so excuse me." I said trying to shove past him to avoid a very... awkward.

See, when I 'left for Italy', I found out that James still had feelings for Melody. Just great. The best boyfriend, yes, I said best, cared more for MY friend.

"Oh. Before I forget then," he started. And he going to ask the question in 5,4,3,2, and 1

"How's Melody?" He asked right as I said one in my mind.

"Oh. You didn't hear? Melody moved to live with her aunt and uncle in Denver. But just her, her dad and sister are her, housing a foreign exchange student named Arabelle? Maybe you heard about her." I told him, smirking at his flabbergasted expression on his face.

"Ok. There's your answer. Bye." I said, walking past him.

"Wait." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me hand. I slapped his hand away.

"What?" I asked him, completely 134% annoyed with him.

"Are you still my girlfriend?" he asked.

What type of question is that?

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"Well, If you were my girlfriend, well you aren't now. Bye! And maybe you can introduce me to Arabelle." He said smirking, walking away.

Did he just dump me?

I just turned and walked away. Heading home. Ok, I need to call Melody, and tell her. She wouldn't like this. I looked through my phone, finding her in phone number as I walked passed a park.

I looked up and saw the swings. I waked to them as I texted my mom telling her that I will be home in around 3 hours. She said okay. Had 3 hours to do homework in the park. Yes I had homework on the first day. Welcome to high school kiddos.

Who am I talking to? I don't know.

I sat in the swing and called Melody.

*Ring! Ring!*

~Arabelle's POV's~
(A/N: Remember Melody is Arabelle)

*Ring! Ring!*

Who could be calling me on my old phone? Oh it's... Isabelle?

Ok. I stopped playing my music and answered the phone.

Phone Conversation:

Melody: Hello?

Isabelle: Hi. It's Isabelle.

Melody: Oh how are you?

Isabelle: Good



Melody: So...

Isabelle: So...

Melody: So what did you want? You called for a reason.

Isabelle: I wanted to tell you something.

Melody: Which was?

Isabelle: You know James? Your ex?

Melody: Yeah...

Isabelle: Well, at the beginning of the school year last year-

Melody: You were dating him? Yeah. I know. We all knew.

Isabelle: Uhh. How did you find out?

Melody: James. He told me. He is like a brother to me now, during the year he kept double checking on me to make sure I was okay. Because it was the 3 year anniversary of my mom's death...

Isabelle: Oh yeah, 3 is a big number in your family right?

Melody: Yeah.

Isabelle: Anyways, James broke up with me bec- wait I shouldn't say.

Melody: Why?

Isabelle: I just can't. I just don't want any more trouble than I already have. Bye.

*Ends Call*

"Bye" I trail off after she hung up before I could tell her bye. What did she mean by more trouble?

A/N: Tada!!! ~Shruti.

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