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~Maddie's POV~


"What?" I snapped. The caller id said it was... Aria? Did I forget something? I was feeling very good because my mom said that I might move. I don't want to move.

"Well someone doesn't want hear me..." she's being so... rude and she thinks IM being rude?

"You forgot about something... the end-of-summer party?"

Dang it. I totally forget. I started bangs no my head on the wall.

"Ok. I totally forgot about it. Anything else?"

"Um..." she was hesitating a lot.

"What Aria?"

"Um, I'm not sure I should tell you, but... Melody is acting really weird. Like weird weird. In a bad way."

" There's a good way?" I laughed. Weird is usually a word to describe someone in a bad way in my opinion, never a good way.

"Ugh . You know what I mean."

"Anyway I'm leaving now. Bye." I grabbed my green bag and packet. Let's meet them there.

~Aria's POV~

I had my basket and I had decided to go the long way to our 'campsite'. It gave me time to think. So me and Melody were already there, Maddie was coming. Now who else are we missing? Oh yeah, we're missing Violet, Isabelle, and Alexis. They should be here soon.

I'm almost at the clearing, but then I hear something. Looking around, I hide behind a tree and I listen.

" I (sob) miss (sob) her (sob). " I heard rustling as the person ran away. Who was its?
I went back to the clearing and there was Melody, in the tent getting all of her stuff in.

Didn't she see the person?


No response.


No response. I went over and grabbed her. She jumped up almost making the tent fall down. She crossed her arms and gave me an angry glare.

"What?" She said as she was re,owing the earbuds. Oh. That why she didn't hear me. Maybe she didn't hear the person either? I still have to ask.

"Did you see anyone in the clearing?"

She look surprised and something flashed in her eyes. Was that terror? It couldn't be. But then it went and she just look scared and confused.

"Was there someone watching me?" She asked. Oh that's probably why she looked scared and confused. She thought she was being watched. But her expression almost seemed... fake? It couldn't be right?

A/N: Dun. Dun. Dun. Don't know if I spelled that right though. On a new note. I GOT AN EDITOR!!!!! It's is 74eil15rak yay!!!! She's my beeeeest friend.... Yup. I'm rambling. So ya. I'm at school right now. And I shouldn't be on my phone now. Yup I'm a bad girl. :)

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