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~Alexis POV~

Me, Isabelle and Violet were all at my house getting ready. I needed help finding my favourite dress for tomorrow, so I called over Isabelle and Violet over. They gladly accepted my request.

"Did you check the closet or have you found it yet?" I asked.

"Don't you think we would have said something if we found it?" Isabelle said crossing her arms. She went over to my closet and started looking. "Ooo! You have so many cool tops, if I find you dress before you two can I have some?" She looked at me, giving me puppy eyes. Who can resist puppy eyes?!? Fine. I gave Violet a look telling her to find it before Isabelle.

Please Violet, have telepathy and understand my looks. I have so many looks. I should make a little book of my looks and what they mean and give it to each of the girls. It would be called 'A Dummy Guide to Alexis's looks (given by her eyes)'. I only added the eyes parts, because I don't want anyone confusing it with my awesome fashion looks. I beautiful and I know it!!

But wait, then Isabelle would know the look I'm giving Violet. Oh poo.

Never Mind. I just decided to text Violet.

Text Message: Violet, find it!! I will make you some special brownies if you do. Please!!! She used her puppy eyes. 😣

Ding!! Violet got out her phone from her purse and read it. She looked at me and gave me a look of understanding.

So I can read her looks, but she cant read mine!!! What the he- wait a second, that means I'm superior to her and I'm the leader. Yesss!!! But wait, wait why do i keep saying wait? Im not trying to catch a train or anything. What was I thinking about? Oh yeah, the fact Im superior to Violet. There was something else though... oh yeah. If I am a leader then I will have responsibilities, and I HATE responsi-

"Alexis?" Isabelle asked.

"Please dont say you found the dress. Please dont say you found the dress. Please dont." I prayed in my mind.

"I found the dreess." She sung. Dang it!!

"Take the two shirts and give me my dress. And no brownies for you Violet."

Isabelle skipped to the closet and took two of my least favorite shirts. We have kind-of-not-really-opposite style. I packed it up and checked the time.

"Oh my god, we are getting late, lets go." We ran to the camp place thingy and arrived.

A/N: THE END!!!!
(Scroll below)

Kidding. Thats not end. Thats not even near the end. This book just started.

~Melody's POV~

They got here. Yippee. They. Are. So Early. I hope you can hear my voice totally NOT dripping in sarcasm right now. I rolled my eyes.

"Looked who finally decided to show up."

"Who is that?" asked Isabelle.

She had been in Italy for one and half years and this is the first time I have seen her since she went to Italy. She looks different. She has grown her blonde hair long and got rid of her bangs, glasses, and braces. She was wearing a white and purple stripped dress that had this big thick purple belt.

(Dress on side)

She was also wearing these brown boots with it.

She looked really pretty. But I can't believe she didn't recognize me.

~Isabelle POV~

"Who is that?" I whispered/said to Alexis. I was waiting for Melody to come. But there was there gorgeous girl here instead. She is like a model and is so pretty, it couldn't have been Melody. Melody is way too ugly to be this pretty.

But Im not complaining. I didnt like Melody. My family knew that and do did the rest of the girls except for Melody. I had just moved schools and houses and convinced my friends ( didn't consider Melody as one) and my family to telling her i went to Italy. I cant believe how blind she is.

~ Melody's POV ~

"I will tell you who I am, but I forgot something at my house. Just a minute." My family knew Isabelle hated me so they made a plan and was going to pretend that I was sent to Colorado to stay with my aunt and uncle forever, and that a British girl who was a model, would be staying with them for a long time.

"Dad!!! Plan B is starting Now.!" I had a talent for picking up accents and languages, so my 'British' accent sounded real. Dad came down and called Alexis.


Alexis: Hello?

Dad: Hello, this is Melody's Dad. We got a foriegn exchange student from London here, so I hope You can show her around as she will be here for at least 3 years.

Alexis: Sure...

Dad: Also, just wanted to let you know that Melody got in some serious trouble and i just sent her on a plane to Denver where she will be living there forever with her aunt and uncle.

Alexis: Really?

Dad: Yup. I can show you the receipt of the ticket after the call.

Alexis: If i see the receipt of the tickets, I will believe you.

Dad: Okay.

*hangs up*

My Dad sent the tickets to her and looked at me.

"I also changed your legal name to Arabelle, your favorite name. Oh. Your last name is now Watson." He said.

That is so cool.

"Thanks dad. You are the best dad in the world." I told him.

During the phone call, I had dyed my hair blond and changed. Our family was rich, so I was able to have a secret wardrobe. I removed my brown contacts to reveal my natural blue eyes. I loved brown eyes when i was younger, so I have always been wearing brown contacts. But now, I love blue eyes.

I was wearing this white to light purple ombre sweater with this beautiful black skirt and black boots. I left the house with my new stuff as 'Melody' took her stuff with her. Time to set the trap!!!

A/N: Melody's POV will now be put as Arabelle's POV.

Plot twist!! Till next time.

I will update sooner now.

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