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~Alexis's POV~

*Phone Call Ends*


2 New Pictures

I opened my phone to revel two pictures of MELODY'S TICKET!!! Her dad was t kidding. Oh. I look up from my phone and tell everyone the news except about the British model. They all are skeptical, that is until I show then the tickets.

"Oh. Yay?" says Isabelle. She should be happy right? She looks at me and says " You're right I should be happy but I don't think I am." Did she read my mind? "No I didn't" says Isabelle. Oh. I must have said that out loud. Oops.

"Maybe it will help of someone replace Melody's spot in our group of friends?" I asked. "Yeah. " said Isabelle. Everyone agreed.

So I told them about the other news Melody's dad had given me. One about the news about a British model. "When will she be coming?" Aria asked. "Well she should be here any minute now." Just on time we so this girl approaching us.

~Isabelle POV~

I thought the British model could have been the girl who left something at her house. But I was wrong. The girl this Model had blond hair and blue eyes. Just like me! Even worse? I don't know if its good or bad, but it also looks like her favorite color is purple like me. I only said this because the sweater she was wearing was white to purple ombre with a black skirt; Purple being the only color!!

"Hi." She said. She had this gorgeous British accent.

"I'm Arabelle Watson. I'm the gurl who is staying with someone's dad. I think her name is Melody. She was coming to get me when she had been sent in a car to the airport. She forgot about me. That's why she went back." Arabelle said.

That gorgeous girl was MELODY!! But anyway, I like Arabelle better still. She was like my twin sister, except British!! Anyway, the rest of the night we watched Clue (which Arabelle had never watched before), ate the food Aria brought. Afterwards we made s'mores and went into our tent.

"Arabelle, do you just want to use Melody's sleepover stuff?" I asked her. She shrugged her arms, obviously fine with the idea and said," Yeah. I'm anyway practice replacing her in her family and her in he groups of friends. Right?" She looked at all of us hopeful as she mentioned Melody's group of 'friends', or us, like she really wanted to be in our group, replacing Melody. All of us (me, Aria, Maddie, Violet, and Alexis) exchanged glances.

"Yeah. That's totally right." I replied. Arabelle sighed and looked really relieved and happy. Ok then. We all sat down and played 20 questions, where Arabelle asked each single one of us each 20 questions, and we all asked her around 100 questions (20 for each of us).

~Violet's POV~

After we played 20 questions (or 100 questions for Arabelle. Ha.) This is what we learned about Arabelle: she is a model, I forgot for what, her favorite color is blue. She is a good student. She is staying with Melody's dad for three years.

When we asked her if it will be awkward staying with Melody's dad, since Arabelle is practicing replacing Melody. She told all of us that Melody's dad is going to Australia because of a new contract that last 1 year, so for those 1 year, so she will be home alone. The reason why Melody's dad had let her stay with him for five years when he won't be there, is because is good friends with my dad.

Arabelle is so similar to Melody, you would think being Melody's best friend, I would miss her, but I really don't at all. It might have to do with the fact Arabelle came like 30 mins after Melody left, so we didn't have time to miss her. But I don't think that is the reason. Over the past year, she has been clingy to me. And she should have a reason for being that way, but when ever I asked her, she said it was nothing, so at some point I accepted the fact she had no reason for being clingy. And because of that, I grew REALLY tired and annoyed at Melody. I count stop being friends with her because...well, she was so clingy!!! And for those reasons I am totally fine with the fact I will never see Melody for the rest of my life.

We all went into our sleeping bags, ready to go to sleep, and I started thinking. Before, Arabelle came the pairs of best friends were :

Isabelle and Alexis

Aria and Maddie

and I had to be 'BFFs' with Melody.

But Now?

It was becoming:

Isabelle and Arabelle

Maddie and Aria (they stayed the same)

and me and Alexis.

And we all seemed to love these 'magical' pairs of BFFs that just appeared during the night. Sure they weren't 'magical', but everyone loved their new BFFs. (Except Madfie and Aria, they were best friends from the start.

Anyway now I should go to sleep.

Goodnight to my self. But wait a sec...
Is Arabelle going to invite us over for sleepovers every day when Melody's dad isn't home?

I don't know. I hope so.

A/N: Sorry for building up suspense for no reason. Ha. I hope you liked it!!! I'm working hard to update ASAP. And I was able to update for the second day in the row. Yay!! Please comment and vote if you want me to update more frequently. Thanks. 😊 Oh. And here is a cute puppy to brighten your day.

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