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Anyway, the rest of the summer went by and School started coming.


The fall season this year was full of non-graphic full sleeves, which I love. I don't know why.

I got 4 shirts, all the same kind but in different colors.

Then I spent a week being lazy because I was going to get my schedule soon.

So a week before school started, I got my schedule. I have:
1. Social Studies
2. English
3. Geometry
4. P.E.
5. LA Workshop
6. TA (teacher assistance)
7. Science
8. Spanish

I loved it. Especially since after I called my best friend Violet.

*calling Violet"

"Hi Melody!!"

*Groan* "how did you know it was me?"

"There is something called Caller ID, Melody"

"Dang it!"

"Anyway, did you get your schedule?"

" Yup. First I have Social Studies, then En-"

Violet cut me off *sigh*

" SOCIAL STUDIES!!! Same!!! Let me guess, afterwards is English then Geometry then P.E. then LA Workshop then TA then science then Spanish!!?!?"

" Yeah... How did you know?"

"We have all the same classes"

I think I'm deaf in my right ear.

" Can you remove that from speaker please."

I turned around to see a old woman giving me a weird look. My phone wasnt even on speaker!!

I went back to Violet.

" STOP SCREAMING!!" I screamed at Violet.

" Ironic since you were screaming that..." she muttered.

" Fine. Okay listen I got to go. Okay?" I hung up on her.

~Violet POV~

( I'm starting to do POV now)

I was sooooooo happy!!! I get to see her everyday, every class now!

But now I have to get ready for our (Melody & I) end-of-summer party.

I was wearing this light pink dress that had black roses in it.

A/N: (Dress on side)

I took my dirty blond hair and braided it. Then I took a pink bow and attached it to the end of my braid. I slipped on some pink toms and grabbed my white purse. I'm ready.

In case you can't tell, I love pink.

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