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~Arabelle's POV~

"I'm not a model?" I shouted at her. Really?? "Search my name up. In fact why don't you do that right now?" I told her.

See Arabelle Watson was the cover name I used for modeling. And I always wore blond wigs. I should be glad my dad thought about this a lot.

Isabelle just rolled her eyes. She took her phone out and searched my name. While it was loading, she just looked at me with smug grin. I just gave her a half hearted smile back.

As soon as the search loaded, I peered over to see her phone and Isabelle's eyes could have literally just popped out.

"You were saying?" I pushed on. 

"Okay. Maybe you are a model. But what are you hiding?" She asked.

"I have my past and with my past my secrets. I bet your past has secrets to. Correct?" I shot back.

~Isabelle's POV~

Her words were correct. My past did have secrets. But I still didn't reply to her.

"See?" Arabelle replied, talking my silence as a yes, which again, was correct.

"How about this, since we have the same circle of friends, and we share the same schedule, why don't we just start over? We're going to be seeing a lot of each other, and I want to have a good first year in the U.S." She said.

She does make a good point.

"Fine lets start over. Hi. My names Isabelle. What's yours?" I said extending my hand out.

She took my hand, shaking it. She replied, trying to hold back laughter, "Hi. My names Arabelle. Nice to meet you. Isn't it so funny how we have very similar names?" At that, she lost it, she feel in the grass, laughing her head off. I think she started crying from laughing so much.


This girl laughs WAY to hard. She was laughable for so long, I was able to watch the trailer for this new movie Pixels.

(A/N: let's just pretend it's not out yet, and it's an awesome movie by the way, hilarious.)

It was almost 3 mins long. How was that girl breathing?

Then after she was done laughing, I pulled her up, and we went to get ice cream. That's where we are right now. Hopefully this works out.

~Aria's POV~
(Ik, it's been so long)

The first couple days of school have been really nice. Me and Maddie share all classes except PE (that I have with Isabelle) since she does volleyball out of school, Arabelle does that with her.

"Hi!" Maddie exclaimed as she catcher up with me while we were heading to school. Yippee. School. She adjusted her green rubber band and redid her ponytail. She handed my her multi color splatter backpack as she readjusted her top, well basically her entire outfit, even her shoes!!!

That girl...

"So what are we doing after school?" I asked. I smiled at her and started tapping my fingers on my side as a melody started to get stuck in my head.

"I dunno. Oo! I know, there is a new ice cream place that opened near the library, we can go there!" She said, starting to jump up and down with excitement over this idea.

I wonder if she will be able to keep it during the long long long hours of school?

"Eat Ice Cream and then read good books? I don't know. Of course!!" I told her.

♡/After School/♡

"Ready?" I ask Maddie. She nods her head and we head in the direction of her house. At her house is her car.

We get into her car and arrive at the ice cream shop. It literally called 'The Ice Cream Shoppe' it's weird.

(A/N: If there is any shop called The Ice Cream Shoppe, it is purely coincidental.)

The shop is a nice red and white classic themes shop. Inside there are black and white tiles covering the shop. It all kinda cliché. At one of the table is a kid who looks our age. I think he goes to his school. His name I think is Aaron.

We sit by the nearby booth. As we wait for our sundaes. Yum. Chocolate ice cream.

While we wait, I can't help overhearing Aaron's conversation.

"Yes. I did it around a week ago. Yes, I did say the lines. You want me to repeat them. Okay. That part. Okay. 'I've seen better performances, but I will take it. That girl who you just left? What's her name? Oh yeah, Alexis.' Happy? Okay bye" he said.

(A/N: Check Ch. 12)

Alexis? I know an Alexis. Hopefully there not they same.


On the side is a picture of beautiful Quebec City when I went to Canada for two weeks.

All I will say is Check Ch.12, and find the similar.

~Shruti ♔

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