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~Melody POV~

After I hung up with my call with Violet. I ran upstaurs and started getting ready.

I chose a blue lace dress (pic on the side) and added a dark brown belt asking the waist. I wore some brown ankle boots and started my makeup. I put on a sliver necklace and some simple pearl earrings. I took my brown bag and my phone. My phone had a case that was blue with peacock fabric on it.

I was ready and went to the place to set up.

The party was at this 'park' that was near my house. It was made up of a ring of trees with a nice clearing in the middle.

I had a box full of the supplies I needed. I took out some simple house white lights and strung them EVERYWHERE. Then u took a big white sheet and tied it between two trees. The tree opposite those two trees has this wooden platform where I kept the food and a wireless projector that had our favorite movie for the end of summer, Clue.

A/N: (It's based of the board game Clue, and it's on Netflix. It's really funny)

The projector msde the white sheet a movie screen perfectly.

I put tall points in the ground and tied a piece a rope to the top of both of the polls. I got another sheet, and put it on top of the role, which made a tent. I put sleeping bags on the bottoms and hung 2 lanterns in the tent. Done.

The rest of the girls(5 more) should be coming soon. I look at the sleeping bags I placed. Blue for me. Pink for Violet, White for Aria, Green for Maddie, Purple for Isabelle, and Light Orange for Alexis.

I hear some noises outside, letting me know that they have arrived. Now I just have to act perfectly and pretend this summer my mom didn't die.

Let the fun began.


A/N: My actual sister was laughing at me for no reason... Why I said actual sister, I have no idea. She is my ONLY sister andthe only person I consider to be my sister.

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