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~Maddie's POV~

It was a few weeks before school started, so I was making what was left of summer count. I wasn't ready for school though. I was just glad that this was our last year of school. Anyways, the sleepover party, for example, was one of the was I was making the most of the summer. I wanted to spend as much time with my friends as possible.

Yes, there was drama going on between Melody and Isabelle, but I loved both of them, so I tried not to get too involved. Ok. I didn't love Melody. Not as much. Now I didn't really like her, but it was only because everyone else didn't like her, and I didn't want to lose all of my friends, including my best friend, for one single person, who I didn't really talk to me.

It was very interesting, the sleepover with Arabelle coming over. Melody was gone. She was gone? It all seemed so sudden. But can you blame her? Like I was saying, none of us really liked her. Ok. I liked her, but I guess it had to do with peer pressure. Oh. Well.

Anyway, it was all very complicated, and it made my head hurt. What's done is done, she's gone now. Good Night.

*Next Morning*

I woke up late, late, late. LATE. Like, 1 p.m. late. But I really didn't care, because I when I sat up up in bed, groggily, daylight slanted through my blinds, and that is how I knew immediately that it wasn't early morning and it was around one/ afternoon. I groaned and rolled out of bed.

Literally rolled. As in, off the bed. I thumped onto the floor hard, bruising my shoulder.

"Jeez," I grumbled. "So much for making the most of summer."

I was fumbling around in my drawer for clothes when my phone, which was laying on my bedside table, started ringing.

*Call startes*

Caller ID said it was Aria <3, my best friend.

"Hey! Maddie! How's-"

"I'm sleepy," I interrupted her.

" You do realize it's 1 p.m. Right?" Aria said.

"Yeah. But I just woke up.." I grumbled.

"Shame on you. Shame," she said. She must be dissapointed in me. Oh well. She knows it's one of my bad habits.


The sound of Aria's exasperated sigh was an awful sound in the tiny microphone of her phone. "Pfft. Whatever," she said. "Anyway, I called you to talk about Melody."

"Melody?" My brain, still not exactly awake yet, grasped for an explanation for this. But then I remembered what happened.

"Yeah..." she says.

"What about her?" I ask.

"Well she seemed weird. The day she left." She said. Woah.

"Well explain what you mean by weird..." I said, dragging out weird.

"Like, she left... suddenly. You know? One moment she was there, and another she... wasn't. She's been acting weird lately anyway."


"Whatever. She's not worth the energy," Aria said with a dismissing huff. I swallowed uncomfortably. Aria was a good person... sometimes. But sometimes, when she was in a bad mood, she could be outright nasty. Like she was being right now. Poor Melody.

I didn't say that, though. I didn't want e just disappeared."

"I know, but Arabelle is here. So let's concentrate on that." I said, signaling the end of the topic.

"Okay ... Bye."


*End of Call*

I tossed my phone down onto my unmade bed and sighed. Oh, Aria. Oh, Melody. Oh, Arabelle. Why did everyone have to hate each other? Everything would be so much simpler if all my friends just got along. But as they say, "Life just isn't fair."

~couple days later~

3 days. 3 days until school starts. Ugh. We all got our schedules earlier, before the party. Melody had the same schedule as Violet, but now? Melody's schedule was 'revoked' and was 'gone' now, because, well, she was gone. Anyway, I had the same schedule as Aria. Violet and Alexis had the same schedule, and Isabelle and Arabelle has the same schedule. Oh great, the 'new girl' and the 'returning Queen Bee' was together. But I think this year will be different. Arabelle is different in a way that Isabelle used to be, the way that called popularity. Maybe it had to do with the fact she was British? I dont know.

We had all gotten our school supplies. Obviously in our favorite colors:

Me- Green

Aria- White

Alexis- Orange

Violet- Pink

Isabelle- Purple

Arabelle- Purple/Blue, well mostly blue.

Arabelle was the only one who had more than one favorite color. The rest of us had our one set of favorite things.

~Alexis's POV~

I was buzzing with nervousness for the first day of school. Nervous because I wasn't sure how the friend drama would go. And of course I was sad. After all, summer was ending, and everyone knows summer is the best part of the year.

"Alexis! It's time for volleyball practice!" I heard from downstairs. It was my older sister, Mia, who was home from college for summer vacation. She always had an air of why-are-you- wasting-my-time-you-annoying-little-sister about her.

I glanced at the orange clock on my wall. It was almost eleven. Shoot. I'd overslept.

"You don't need to remind me!" I shouted down the stairs. "I'm seventeen years old, thank you very much!"
"Then act like it!" she responded, exasperatedly.

I sighed, shrugged on some shorts, socks, kneepads and a bright orange exercise shirt, and I looked at myself in the mirror. My brown skin contrasted against my orange shirt, and my blackish- brown straight hair was in a high ponytail. I swung my head and my ponytail swung with it as I ran down the stairs.

When I got to the volleyball courts, most of my team was already there, warming up, bumping balls in pairs. "Hey! Alexis!" my teammate Lea said, waving me over.

Lea wasn't part of our main group of friends, and even though she went to our school, I didn't really hang out with her. But she pretty nice, and she had an amazing volleyball serve.

(A/N: Which is me!!! I have awesome serves ~Shruti)

I started bumping with her during the warmup for five minutes.

"Team!" my coach called. "Come on over here, lets do some stretches."

We jogged over and stretched in a circle with our coach. We stretched for a couple minutes, did some drills, and started playing a game with another team.

After the game, which we had won by the way, I was left the gym. The sky was getting cloudy and dark like a storm was expected. I shivered. When I'd gotten to the gym, it had been bright and sunny with only a few fluffy white clouds in the sky, but now...

I should have brought my sweatshirt.

Since I lived only a few blocks down the street from the gym, I walked home alone on the cold street. My thoughts wandered through all the things that were buzzing through my mind: friends, school, that amazing save I'd just made during the scrimmage...

But, anyway, as I was walking down the street, I saw a familiar face in the swarm of people. It was a face I did least wanted to see here. Because I knew if I saw that face here, I was in deep trouble, like deep Mariana's Trench deep trouble. I saw...

(A/N: Well, I hope you're dying of anticipation to see who it is! Get ready to find out next time we post! ~Karlie)

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