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Chapter 11

~Violet's POV~

"Okay, Arabelle, this is the PE locker rooms over here," I said. "Learn to hate them."

Arabelle laughed. "Gotcha. Don't worry, I'm familiar with the exhausting nature of PE."

I was giving my new friend a tour of our high school campus, and chatting with her as we walked around the deserted grounds was surprisingly fun. Considering that I'd only met her a few weeks ago - she'd lived in a whole different country before that - we got along pretty well.

I showed her the lockers, the PE ones also, and I was explaining to her the horror of American PE.

"We, well this school, has this program that lets a few lucky ducks who, if they do enough hours of sports per week, you get spared from the torture." I explained to her.

"Really?? How many hours?" Arabelle asked me. Clearly she was interested.

"Yup. I think it's like 15 hours. Or 25. Not sure. I'm not really the athletic type, so I've never even had a reason to know," I replied. "You should talk to Maddie. She loves volleyball, and she has enough hours to do it."

"Volleyball? I love Volleyball. I used to play it all the time." she exclaimed.

"Maybe you should sign up in her league, and after a week of signatures showing you did 25 hours, you can talk to the school counselor and get out of PE."

"Maybe," she mused. "Maybe I will. Wonder why I didn't do that earlier."

I had been looking offhandedly at the black piece of gum that was stuck to one of the lockers, but now my head snapped back to her. "What?" I said. "What do you mean?"

Eyes widening like she'd been caught red-handed, she stuttered, "Nothing. I mean- in Britain. I should have done it back there. You know? Like-"

I frowned. Something was off about Arabelle. I didn't know what, but I just knew that there was something fishy going on.

"Sorry... I thought... I mean I'm so used being in Britain, I automatically think that people know that I'm talking about doing it in Britain" she tried to cover up her mistake.

"Sureee" I went along with it, dragging out the sure.

"Yup" she said, trying to look oh sooo innocent. Note my sarcasm. When I looked at her, her blue eyes had fear and worry clouded in them. Wow, I guess the eyes are the window to the soul. I continued showing her around the rest of the school, and where all of her classes were.

~Alexis's POV~

(A/N: I know, finally!!! -Shruti)

I saw... Isabelle. Don't get me wrong, we're best friends and we are polar opposites, but she can be scary. Like Evil-Queen-ready-to-kill-me scary. I'm in soooo much trouble and I don't even know why.

"Hi-i" I stuttered. What? I'm nervous, I can't help it.

"Hi..." she looked suspicious of me, but she quickly brushed it off. " Anyway," she continued, "I just wanted to say, with school coming up and me having the same schedule as Arabelle. Oh, also the fact that I don't even have lunch or any classes for the matter-"

"What are you trying to say?" I interrupted her. Which puts your life at stake, FYI.

" I WAS trying to say," she said irritatingly. Uh-oh. "That we may not be best friends anymore."

I stared at her. What???

"Ok bye..." she said, cheerful as she ran down the street AWAY from me. Why was she so cheerful? Im not going to he mad at Arabelle, because I was getting scared of Isabelle and I didn't want her as a friend anymore, besides, me and Violet had gotten closer, we even have the same schedule!!

But why would Isabelle come here though? This type of stuff she would usually tell me when we are at the park... So weird.

Anyways, I had reached my house and was getting ready to go to sleep. I shook off my worries, my confusions. I have other things to worry about, right? Tomorrow is day first day of school.

~Isabelle's POV~

I just told my best friend that I wasn't going to be her best friend anymore.

You should have seen her face. Priceless. Even if it was because I basically just ditched her as a friend. I felt a smile creeping up my face, and I bit it back. No way was I going to let my emotions broadcast like NBC on my face.

But then the reality of exactly why I did what I did hits me, hard, sickeningly hard.

The urge to smile slides off my face.

I turned a corner, slowing down, and once I ducked into a dark alleyway, I came to a stop, barely breathing hard. Even that long run - over a mile, at least - barely tired me. I sighed. My PE coaches have told me to try out for track or cross country, but obviously I can't do that.

Like an ominous reminder, my phone, nestled in my pocket, buzzed.

I didn't even have to look at it to see who it was.

Slowly, like trying to sprint the 400 meter in mud, my hand moved to my pocket. I pulled out my phone, clicked it on.

It was a voicemail. An anonymous voicemail. Back before things had gotten serious, I'd tried playing with the *67 thing, calling my friends and asking for pizza orders. Fun stuff, from another life.

Now I had my own stalker, who blackmailed me into doing things I know I'll regret.

Finger shaking, I press the "play" button.

A/N: I'm sooooo sorry, we haven't posted. Me and Karlie go to the same school, and have a lot of tue same teachers, and we are getting sooo much homework and tests... oh and we just got a BIG social studies project and Karlie has a Spanish project so yeah. So sorry we haven't updated in sometime. We also have to write our 8th grades promotion speeches, so we may not be updating a lot. Sorry...

That was a loong Author's Notes, Wow.


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