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~Arabelle's POV~

The party was over. I breathed a sigh of relief, running my hand through my hair. No one had suspected a thing.

Or at least I hoped.

That morning, I didn't take out my contacts, like I'd done for so long. My eyes felt dry and gross, and I blinked away the sensation. It felt weird acting like someone I wasn't. Especially around my friends. But I guess one could argue that they weren't my friends, the way they treated me...

I entered the house through the back door, and I headed straight to the kitchen. Jeez, I was starving. All I'd eaten last night were a few too many of those s'mores, and even though chocolate and marshmallows are admittedly pretty delicious, they're not all that filling, plus they can give a pretty bad stomach ache, if someone had to many. Thankfully, I didn't have too many.

"Melody," I heard, and I started, surprised. There was my dad, sitting at the kitchen table. He was looking at me. He needs to stop calling me Melody, that girl doesn't exist anymore.

I told him that. "Dad, can you not call me Melody?"

"Look, Mel- Arabelle," he corrected himself sheepishly.

"I know, it's weird calling me Arabelle, but it was my decision, and you backed me up. And anyway, it's a fresh start. It's a fresh start with all my friends... especially Isabelle. She won't hate me anymore, like she hated Melody."

"Arabelle, don't say that..."

"No, it's true! She lied to me and convinced all- no EVERYBODY, but my family, you, me, and Sophie, to tell me that she was moving to Italy, when in reality, she just wanted never to see me." I cried.

"Well, you're telling everyone you went to Denver."

"Technically, I did, as this is almost the real me, I like this me better, I practically like my new name better. The old me is gone. I've changed. Whereas Isabelle, she didn't when. change metaphorically."

"Fine. That is a good point. If this is what you want, I support you. But are you sure you'll be okay, staying home alone for a whole year? That's a long time."

"I promise. I'm responsible You know that."

" Yeah. I know. Its just that you're my baby girl. Thats all."

"How many times have we been over this, I'm not a baby girl anymore, in fact, I'm almost a legal adult here in the U.S. I'm turning 18!!!"

"Oh, that reminds me, you need to take a test in two days in downtown, because they got the England citizenship test from overseas, and they are okay with you taking it here in the U.S."

(A/N: I'm not sure how they really do it in England, so sorry about that, but if you do now, please comment how they do it.)

"Ok. Yay. That will be good. Especially since I want to work there and be a model. Anyway, Good Night!!"

"Good Night!!"

I turned around, and climbed up the stairs. I was so tired after a long day of cleaning up the campsite. Of course, I didn't do much, as since I was the 'new girl', I 'didn't know' where everything is. Being the 'new girl' wasn't so bad when it came to being the 'new girl'.

I was getting tired, when I suddenly remembered that it would be horrible, if they ever realized it was Melody here, instead of Arabelle Watson. And that I would have to keep the secret of my mom. since they never knew my mom.. at all, like they didn't even know her name; if they did ever find out about my secret about my mom, I can always tell like Arabelle's secret, not Melody's.

Also, I got to find a way to refer to myself as Arabelle naturally, even in my mind. And I have to remember to act like I never remembered/ met Melody. Which technically.. I didn't, as you don't exactly meet yourself. Right? Like its not like when you are born or wherever you go: "Hi, my self." Hi!!" "My name is your name." "Cool!! Well my name is the same as yours, because we are the same person.

That would be sooo weird. Anywho, got to go to sleep. Cya myself!! Oh no, I'm doing it. I better call the asylum. But, on the other hand i shouldn't do it, because it will blow my 'cover', and I don't want to blow my cover. So yeah!! I'm going crazy. No!! I'm becoming Alexis, she always says she has strange conversations like this in her mind.

Boy.. pretending like I don't know a lot of people is hard. Its not exactly like I can say, that me and Melody talked for two hours at night for a week, and I learned every single thing about them...Oh wel- wait a sec. I can!! And if they asked why I didn't mention earlier about this, I can just say that it slipped my mind. I'm a genius... and a psychopath. Cue evil laugh!!! Mwa-ha-ha-ha. I know, I'm weird, but aren't, we all??

Good Night!!
~Aria's POV~

As I got ready for bed, I started thinking about our party, our I should be more specific and said what happened before the party. Who was that girl? The girl that was crying in the woods? Could it be a ghost? The forest which we have our sleepover in, is rumored to be haunted. Stop thinking about it. Don't nightmares, don't want nightmares. Oh what the heck. We don't have school tomorrow, might as well go on Netflix and watch a funny movie. Or 2. Or 3.

~Some, ok, a lot of time late~

Well is now 3:39 a.m. and I have watched 6 movies. I am soooooooo tired. Cue yawn. Good Night, to no one. Time to go to sleep...

A/N: Hoped you liked it!! I'm sorry if Aria's POV wasn't good. Shruti wrote it. (I'm so ashamed that I would talk about myself like that) But Karlie is a better writer as me. She is doing Honors English next year, while I'm not. The reason: my writing. So yeah. Any-who, I hope you like it. Me and Karlie will be updating soon. And quicker too.

~Shruti 😁

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