Chapter 8-Sun,sea and long journeys

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Emily's POV

'Em,I've got a suprised for you.It's time to wake up..,'

I heard Harry's deep,sleepy voice calling me.

'Just, one more minute. Please,'I pleaded. The bed was warm and the pillows were plump, what's not to like?

Harry's large arms reached under the duvet and grabbed my waist and pulled me out.

'Harry! I'm so tired, why did you do that?'I complained whilst playfully hitting his shoulder.

'Just get changed and in about twenty minutes we have to leave. Oh and pack a bag for five days,'Harry added then left.

I was completely confused, do I pack for a beach holiday, do I pack for a mountain climbing day, do I pack for a small town in America?

I packed a huge variety of things from bikinis, to mountain boots, to dungarees.

Then I had quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face trying wipe away the tiredness from my face. After, I went into the shower making sure this time the door was locked. The water completely shocked my body and got me completely awake.

I quickly got out, not wanting to keep Harry waiting. I guessed it would be a long journey so I just wore a grey oversized jumper and dark navy leggings and had my hair in a messy bun.

After making sure I had everything about a ten times, even though I still felt as thought I'd left something I went to the living room dragging my pink hand luggage.

'There you are, I was wondering whether I'd have to go and get you out of the shower again,'Harry joked.

He glanced out my luggage and said,'You do realise I said 5 days not 5 weeks.'

'I know,I know. I just wanted sure whether to bring sunny or cold items. You didn't really specify,'I argued.

'Well its meant to be a suprise so I'm not really meant to tell you. See this is all you need,'Harry gestured to his small, blue backpack.

'Wow you guys are mad, I wouldn't even be able to carry my make up bag in that,'I exaggerate.

Harry just shakes his head in disapointment. He hand me a banana, an orange, a packet of crisps and water in a small bag. I look at him completely confused.

'For the journey, we have to leave now and I don't want you starving, also you may want to hide them from Niall you know what he's like,'Harry chuckled.

The door bell rings, I step towards the door and open in. In front of me was a tall,blonde boy with deep blue eyes. His irish voice came out and said,'Hiya guys, how ya doing? All packed I see.'

'We're all done Niall, is it time to go Harry?'I asked Harry.

'Yep, if we leave about now.We should get there at about twelve hopefully,'He said looking at his watch.

Harry took my suitcase from my hand and placed his backpack around his shoulder. I looked outside and it was pretty sunny so I take out my ray bans and place them on my head.

We reached outside and walked towards Harry's jet black Range Rover.

Harry put everyone's luggage in the back, leaving plenty of space for the three of us.

'Wait, who's driving?'I asked curiously.

'Well seeing as its a pretty long journey, I've got a driver,'Harry explained.

'Bagsy sitting in the front,'Niall shouted.

'Oh okay then,'I reluctantly said,'Wait where's everyone else?'I added.

'You sure do ask a lot of questions. They'll meet us there,'Harry exclaimed.

We all got into the large vehicle and got confortable. For Niall this meant surrounding himself with all the food he packed, for Harry this meant having his legs stretched across the seat and a cushion in the corner.

'Harry your legs are on my legs, move them. Now,'I not so politely asked.

'I can't relax in any other way and we'll be here for ages, look lie down here, next to me,'Harry reasoned.

I moved my body to sit nearer to Harry, he pulled my waist closer so that I was pretty much lying on him.

'What are you going to do to kill time?'I questioned.

'Don't know, maybe a little bit of tweeting then just listening to music. You,'Harry casually said.

'Well I need to talk to my friend Grace, she's a massive directioner and the reason I was at the concert,'I stated.

'Ohh, well tell her thanks. She introduced me to a great friend,'Harry proudly told.

I smiled at him and got out my phone and started texting my best friend as much as I could about the few days.

After a few hours I could just about feel myself gently drift off.

Updated finally! Harry's 19 yay! The photos from his party were pretty funny! Thanks for all the read there are like 330! :0




Lots of love

Manisha @ManishaPremlal

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