Chapter 12- I'm coming back for you

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Emily's POV

I woke up early despite the busy night I had yesterday. It was perfect, Harry was a gentleman and even went and dedication Isn't She Lovely for me, which if I rightfully remember was his audition song. He'd really changed from the annoying, flirty idiot I met two weeks ago to a cute, sweet and romantic guy. He really was my best friend for two weeks.

But that was all over, I packed my bags slowly cherishing everything around me. In a few hours times I'd be on a crowded coach home and back to Purley, working behind the counter and making coffee.

I sighed reminiscing all the good, funny times Harry and I had together. I tightly hugged the soft, plush toy rabbit Harry had won for me. I checked my phone and saw a text from Grace, I'd been giving her a day to day description of what I did to keep her updated. The text said:

Hey hey, wt time's the coach? How's curly? Oh and don't forget to tell Louis I want his babies :')

Grace aka cray mad directioner xx

God I loved that girl, she was mad and truly crazy but managed to make me smile no matter how down I was feeling.

'Hey, are you packing?'I heard a gentle voice which I soon recognised to be Perrie's.

She looked stunning, her pale white skin contrasting with her deep pink hair and red lipstick.

'Yep, my coach leaves at 12,'I replied trying not to seem to sad.

She gave me a tight squeeze and a small hug,'Have you spoken to Harry yet?'.

'No, I think he's still sleeping. Bit too worn out from last night; bless him, he was so sweet and put so much effort in,'I smiled remembering through small details Harry planned.

Perrie smirked at me and quietly muttered,'Just talk to him before you go and listen to everything he wants to say. Oh and Emily please don't believe anything from the newspapers.'

She walked out of the room leaving be bemused and completely confused. All I knew was that, I had to talk to Harry before I left. Once I finished packing and placed my luggage in the floor, I made sure I had my ticket.

'Hi, leaving without a goodbye then?''Harry asked pretending to be shocked.

'I thought you were asleep and I was going to wake you up before as I left,'I replied.

Harry intently looked at me, I felt as though I was being examined. I looked into Harry's eyes and asked,'So Perrie said I should talk to you before I went and I'm leaving in about ten minutes so what did you want to say?'

Harry stayed silent for a few,slow seconds. He finally replied and said,'Oh... I just wanted to say have a good journey and erm.... it was great knowing you.'

For some reason I was disappointed, I don't know what I was expecting but after yesterday I though there was something between me and Harry;more than just a friendship. But I guess I was just stuck in dreamland.

I hadn't realised Harry had already left the room. I felt as though someone had hit me numerous times around my heart and stabbed me right where it hurt the most. Warm, salty tears ran down my face, I quickly wiped them away not because it would ruin my make up but because I didn't anyone to know I cried.

I called Grace, after two rings she picked up.

'Hey! Mrs Styles how are you and what time will you be at the station?'Grace asked laughing.

'Erm.. at about 3,'I quietly replied hoping I didn't sound like I had just been crying.

'Emily stop the acting you never were amazing, what the hell's up? Is it about Harry?'she questioned.

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