Chapter 14-Confusion hits the heart

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Emily's POV

Niall had just kissed my cheek literally minutes after I was in a heated make-out with Harry.

I stared at him,'What on earth was that? What do you think you're playing at? I'm going out with Harry!'I shouted then quickly quieted down as we were only a few feet away from Harry.

The natural brunette looked at me then looked down at his feet, I crossed my arms and let my eyes bore into his back. He said,'I.. really think you're amazing. And I've liked you since the concert.'

'Wait. But what about Bella? Harry said you were going out.'I asked, Harry had told me that the two had become lovebirds.

'We..erm broke up. In fact she was the one who told me to tell you the truth.'He revealed hoping that I'll be softer on him.

But boy oh boy, this boy does not know me. 'Harry is your best mate, your band member. You can't go around kissing his girlfriend.'I was so annoyed; everything was going perfect. Harry was sweet, we were great and then Niall had to come and stick his big head in and mess it all up, god I hate him so much.

'Its not that big,'Niall murmured looking hurt.

Crap I'd said that out loud. I felt bad, for betraying Harry but I also felt bad for Niall. He was a great guy, real sweet and cute but more puppy dog cute rather than Harry Styles cute.

'Emily, you done yet?'I heard Harry ask from his room.

'We'll talk about this all later, I need to think about it all.'I said to Niall and walked back to the room.

'I'll see you later. Em,'he said quiet enough for me to hear. Em was Harry's nickname for me.

What was there to think about? I had Harry, my own Prince Charming why did I want Niall? For some reason there was a small voice in my head saying 'But Niall will love you forever and won't flirt with other girl'.

I quickly dismissed the voice as I entered the room.

'What took you so long?'Harry asked raising his brows.

'Oh..just...went with Niall to get some pizza. Yep and he couldn't choose which toppings to get',I hesitantly replied.It sounded more of a question than a statement.

Harry just smiled and sat on plush bed.

'They want to meet you,'he announced ambiguously.

'Who?'I was curious into who it was.

I hoped it wasn't who I thought it might be.

'My family, mum, Robin, Gem. The usual. It'll be for the weekend and Niall will come as well but then he wants to go Mullingar after.'he explained.

Niall wanted to go? Since when did Niall stay by himself at the Styles house.

'Why is Niall coming?'I questioned absolutely confused.

'Oh something about missing homemade food and he wants to stay with someone cause he might feel lonely,'he reasoned.

Oh what a load of crap. Niall lonely? Whatever he just wanted an excuse to see me more.

'When are we going?'I asked hoping that it would be as far as possible.

'Tomorrow, so you might want to start packing,'Harry announced.

I sighed loudly partly on purpose because I was still tired out and just wanted to relax.

'God Em, anyone would think I'd just ask you to run a marathon. I though you'd really like to meet them, if you desperately don't want to go you don't have to. I just thought you might want to get to know your boyfriend's family,'Harry shouted whilst getting up from the bed.

'No, Harry I didn't mean it like that. It's just I'm under loads of stress and I'm tired--

'Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were in the world's biggest boyband and under so much pressure that you can't even tweet anything without being judged by millions,'Harry screamed at me.

'Oh so just because I'm not famous doesn't mean that I have worries. Well you better think again Harry because there are so many more people around the world in worse case scenarios than you. That's right, believe it or not the world doesn't revolve around you!'

And with that I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Harry and I had only argued about ice cream favours and petty things before but this was quite bad. And all cause of Niall.

Oooh DRAMA ALERT! The was quite heated and I could feel that tension! Sorry for the delay I have a massive dance show tomorrow argh stressing out!

But will update a lot more now its spring break!

go check out That One Boy

Love you lots!




and follow me on twitter @manishapremlal x

Hi hope you can watch this it's my 1D song!

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