Chapter 11-May I have this dance?

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Emily's POV

We went downstairs and there was a wide range of food. From fruits to cereal to a traditional English breakfast.

Next to a plate was a small yellow post-it note with the words,'Gone to the beach, the guys came earlier but you were asleep. Too bad! See ya there. Good luck Harry! : )'

Niall already went without us? And what wad the good luck for?

'Mmm... this looks great, we have about 30 minutes to eat then we have to leave,'Harry guessed.

'What was the note all about?'I curiously asked Harry.

He started picking up some bacon and sausages onto his plate and said,'Oh nothing for you to worry about.'

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Harry trying to figure out what it meant.

Harry pointed his hand to the food and replied in mouthful,'It's good..have...some.'

I decided to have a light meal considering we'd be travelling. I took the coca pops and milk and poured it into a bowl and in a separate small, blue bowl I scooped some fresh fruits into it.

After finishing my meal and waiting for Harry, who upsurprisingly was as slow at eating as he was at talking.

Harry pushed out from the chair and started packing.

'How long will it take to get there?'I asked. Hopefully it wouldn't take that long, I really wanted to sleep.

'Not too long just over an hour,'He replied looking up from his packing.

I nodded, an hour isn't that long right?

After packing our bags and cleaning up we went to the main reception.

Judith was standing there wearing her reading glasses and reading the local newspaper. She raised her head and smiled when she saw us coming from the room.

'Thanks so much. For everything, the food, the room and thanks for not telling anyone,'Harry thanked.

'Yep, you've been great Judith, we'll definetly recommend this place to anyone,'I added on.

Judith took off her glasses and looked at us gratefully,'Aww you two really are a pair, you've been a pleasure. I hope I get an invitation,'she said with a chuckle.

'An invitation to what?'Harry and I said at the same time.

'Well your wedding of course!'Judith smiled.

I just shook my head and we bid farewell. Harry picked my suitcase and out it in the back of the car.

'I thought it didn't work,'I stated completely confused.

'Niall got it fixed before he left, our lucky leprecaun,'Harry joked.

Harry and I got into the back seats of the car and driver in front.

I smiled at Harry, then put in my headphones and started listening to my music

Little Things came one, possibly one of the most perfect songs ever the only thing I can complain about is that it's too short. I would rather listen to them for longer. I hummed throughout the boys' solos and kept listening to music after.

Harry's POV

'We're here!'I screamed. Finally we arrived, I could see the whole gang there, all the competition winners and the boys and their girlfriends. The all ran to us and hugged us. Emily looked around and a small smile grew on her face. She took a deep breathe and took of her jumper. I told her it would be warm, but she didn't listen.

Her body looked great in what she was wearing, her body complete with curves yet she walks and talks so gracefully and sweetly.She started socializing and laughing with everyone.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around. It was Zayn,'Hey mate! What's going on?'I asked surprised.

'Nothing much, just the sun,sea and Perrie. So are you asking her then?'Zayn questioned eager to know.

I looked around it was getting darker as it coming to 5. The clouds beginning to darken and the sun was falling down so the sunset was kissing the waves.

'Ask what?'Emily interrupted my daydream.

'Ermm.. well tomorrow is Valentine's Day and... they're holding a... what do you call it...a..ball,'I hesitantly replied,'I wondered whether you wanted to come with me?'I added cautiously.

Emily at first looked puzzled then thought for a few seconds. My heart stopped, what if she said no. This would be an awkward few days. She nodded her head and replied with a confident,'Yep.'

Hope you like it! Quite romantic and it is Valentine's Day tomorrow so it fits well! Probably won't update tomorrow though...

Please check out my other Harry Styles fanfiction, its pretty new and isn't a cliche!




And follow me @ManishaPremlal x

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