11. Notes from the Enemy

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Ranboo woke up to the sound of somebody knocking on the door, 'It's kinda early isn't it?'

He made his way to the front door and opened it, the coldness made sure he was awake.

Ranboo looked around but nobody was there, 'The heck man.'

He was about to head inside when there was a paper on the ground, being held by a rock to make sure the wind wouldn't carry it away.

Ranboo picked up the paper and read the contents, 'Shoot.'

He almost dropped the paper out of panic on his way to Techno's house.

He rushed through the door and saw Techno sitting peacefully in his chair.

"I got a message from the Eggpire!"

Techno sighed and reached over to grab a small paper, identical to the one in Ranboo's hand, "Me too."

"We have to tell Phil don't we?" Ranboo rushed to the door.

"Already did. We got some gear," Techno stood up, "Do you have some or do you need some?"

"Uh," Ranboo couldn't help but feel a bit off on how calm Techno and Philza were taking this, "No, I'm good."

"Alright," Techno nodded, "If you have plans to go anywhere you need to tell us. Otherwise, we stay safe here."

Ranboo nodded slowly, 'This feels a bit better.'

"Wait," Techno held his hand out, "Can I see the paper they gave you."

"Sure," Ranboo gave him the paper.

"We warned you," Techno read, "Wow. I think they just got bored when they reached you because they gave both me and Phil a much longer note."

"What did they say to you?"

Techno reached for the paper, "Let me get the exact words."

"Techno, you should have stayed in the prison. You must know by now but we told your friends that if they let you out we would come for both you and them. You shouldn't have been at the Red Banquet and you shouldn't have gotten out of the Pandora's Vault. I suggest you prepare to face us. Or don't, either way you will soon see that it was a mistake to mess with the Egg and it's loyal warriors."

"Yeah no, that is longer," Ranboo shoved his hands in his pockets, realizing he was in his pajamas.

"So I just assume we wait for them, then when they get here we beat them."

"If they even come over here," Ranboo shook his head, "Plus, they most likely have more people now."

"Guess you're right."

Ranboo felt safer about this whole situation knowing that they were taking this at least somewhat seriously.

He nodded and said bye to Techno, feeling much better.

Throughout the next two weeks, the Eggpire had sent them more and more messages.

"I don't like this," Ranboo said, going over all the notes on the table.

"None of us do," Phil tapped the table, "But it's not like we control them. Some egg does."

"I think that they're getting more and more," Ranboo paused, grabbing another paper.


"Uhm, aggressive?" Ranboo finished, examining the paper.

"I've been thinking that as well," Techno agreed, "They are for sure going to attack soon."

Ranboo read the words of the paper and his heart sank, "Guys?"

"Yeah?" They both said collectively.

"When did either of you guys get this?" He placed the paper on the table.

"Oh," Phil realized what the paper said in front of him.

"I don't remember seeing this one," Techno looked up at Ranboo with worry.

"Well I need to go," Ranboo shot up and rushed out the door.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Techno, did you not just read that note?" Phil looked back at Techno.

Techno glanced over the note for a second time, "Oh. I get it now."

"Shouldn't we go with him?" Techno asked, standing up.

"I'll go," Philza stood up, "One of us needs to stay here."

Techno nodded slowly, "Be careful."

"I will," Phil assured, "But you need to as well. I mean it Techno."

"Alright," Techno closed the door and watched as Phil left the house in a hurry.

"Hopefully this doesn't end too badly."

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