17 - Desperate Attempts

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Aspen's lips hurriedly pressed against Newt's before Frypan's voice boomed as he inched towards the doorway of the room they were in.

Newt's eyes widened as he frantically tried to make himself look normal and began shoving some clothes into his bag as Frypan walked in.

Though Newt was desperate not to give themselves away, Aspen quickly gave a light tug with his teeth to the side of Newt's neck when Frypan wasn't looking.

Aspen let his smirk rest on his face as he grabbed some clothes to change into, picking a strappy t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants, seeing as they were going to be entering the Scorch.

Aspen changed quickly in another room before leaving it for Teresa. As he walked back into the room where Frypan and Newt were, he watched contently as Newt turned Frypan's head away from watching Teresa get changed.

Fry looked down anxiously before leaving the room a few minutes later, Aspen taking his seat, Teresa staying in the other room.

"What a gentleman." He said with almost a mocking tone.

Newt titled his head with a smirk. "Would you really expect any less from me, darling?"

Aspen blushed at the name but lifted his eyebrows in agreement. He glanced at the boys neck, admiring his work as he inched closer to the boy. Newt heart was in his throat as Aspen's lips made their way to his. They shared a sweet yet subtle kiss before hearing frantic screams of terror from afar.

Aspen glanced behind him, grasping Newt's hand and pulling the boy up as they exited the room. They watched as Minho and Thomas came running, yelling at the top of their lungs.

"Hey! Hey! Run! Go!"

Aspen's breath caught in his throat as Newt gripped his wrist and they ran. "Shit!"

Whatever creatures were chasing them, had the same screeches as the creatures the guards were fighting off when they got off the helicopter. And similar to the screeches of the Grievers, which made Aspen's skin crawl.

They rushed through the building in a desperate and failing attempt to flea the beasts.

One of them reached a decayed and frail hand towards Aspen as it gripped his shoulder before pushing him down. He toppled over mid run, the creature who seemed to be human-like, crawling on top of him, barring its darkened and cracked teeth.

His heart practically stopped beating in his chest as he watched Newt get thrown down by one of them. He wanted desperately to save him but seeing as he himself was trapped, it wasn't likely.

He punched the creature straight in the jaw, it letting out a scream before one last kick shoved the thing off of Aspen. He ran towards Newt, who'd just been saved by Thomas, thankfully. He crumbled into Aspen's arms as they began running again.

They made their way through an extremely thin hallways before they reached some doors, locked, sadly. Winston attempted to hold the beasts back and Frypan managed to open the door.

As they all fled, Winston's leg was gripped by one of the creatures, and he was pulled back into the building. The Gladers tried all they could to pull him back, as the creatures scratched and scraped his skin, leaving a dark, murky colour in their wake, along with the scarlet blood dripping from his abdomen.

Aspen helped pull the boy up as Thomas and Minho stayed behind trying to keep the doors shut. He and Newt held the boy up as they ran once more, Aspen's arm around the boys back and Newt's around his shoulder.

The warmth of the blood coating Aspen's fingers was familiar, but he pushed the thought aside as Thomas and Minho caught up with them, the creatures coming in tow, not far behind.

They stowed away that night in a small opening in the floor, under some concrete and out of sight.

Aspen sprawled beside Newt, cuddling into the boys chest, desperately attempted to get even the tiniest bit of sleep. A failed attempt.

He knew he needed sleep, but he also knew that if he did fall asleep, the nightmares would haunt him. Even with the warmth of Newt's body alongside his, he stayed awake the entire night, listening to the screeches of the Cranks and the light breathing of those around him who had somehow managed to fall asleep.

Newt lifted a hand, pulling a strand of Aspen's hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ear. Aspen looked up at the boy, staring into his warm and inviting eyes, eyes you could get lost in, and that he did.

Despite his failed attempt at sleep, this was close enough, staring into Newt's comforting gaze as they lied there, in each others arms, all night long. They didn't dare move, not wanting to wake the others, or make the Cranks aware of where they were. But nonetheless they stayed in each others presence the entire night, Newt stroking the boys hair as Aspen twirled Newt's other hand between his own.

That was the first time in a very long time, that Aspen felt truly at peace. Despite the Cranks likely still looking for them, and poor Winston in pain. Okay, I'll admit, maybe not peace, but something similar.

He felt at home, with Newt. Like the world's puzzle pieces had fallen right into place, and though it wasn't the prettiest puzzle, it was whole again.

Despite the grooves and scars riddling the puzzle, and the thoughts and fear tormenting it, the final piece was there.

Newt was Aspen's final piece.

Kind of a shorter chapter but i really liked this one and wanted it to end here.
i hope you guys are enjoying act 2 so far <3

 i hope you guys are enjoying act 2 so far <3

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