27 - Heart of Gold & Steel

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The plethora of people leading up to the walls surrounding the city was astonishing.

Newt had to grasp Aspen's hand as to not loose the boy in the crowd, or rather mob, of angry people.

The people on this side of the walls, having been denied access to the city, were rightfully angry. They'd been denied life, safety, they'd been left to die.

People whooped and hollered, rage bubbling beneath their skin, Aspen gripped Newt's hand a little harder.

The clamouring and borderline rioting drew the Glader's in, as they rushed towards the front of the group.

Newt looked behind himself warily as he eyed the people who were seemingly following them. Aspen's palms began to sweat as the hair on the back of his neck stood and goosebumps spread across his body.

Newt wrapped an arm around the boys waist, pulling him in before rushing towards the others. "Hey, guys. We've got to go now! Look." He motioned to the people in masks closing in on them.

As the group readied themselves to flee, horns sounded loudly and metal creaked and scraped in the distance, as machines fired up. The crowd quickly dispersed as gunshots, rather aggressive ones, rang through the air.

The group hid behind a large concrete wall before they were suddenly manhandled by the people who'd been following them and shoved into vans.

Newt was dragged away from Aspen, who's eyes widened as he called out to the boy to no avail, before he was shoved into the back of a van.

Aspen's fist collided with the man's nose, as Jorge kicked the other one in the gut before punching him square in the jaw.

The two tumbled out of the van, Aspen quickly being pulled away from the guard he was brawling by a very clammy Newt.

Aspen turned, fists ready to punch whoever had pulled him back before relaxing into the touch when he realized who it was. He turned abruptly, dropping his fists to his sides as he kissed the boy softly.

Aspen turned his attention to Jorge, still fighting the guard while Brenda struggled to pull him back.

"Hey, everybody relax. We're all on the same side here!" One of the guards spoke up.

"Hey, what do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?" Thomas questioned.

But Aspen recognized the voice, as he mumbled under his breath, "No fucking way."

The man removed his mask quickly, turning to Thomas with an almost sympathetic expression. "Hey, Greenie."

Aspen let a smile tug at his lips, before it quickly vanished as Thomas ran forward, swinging.

Newt rushed forward to hold him back. "Stop, stop."

"He killed Chuck."

"Yeah, I know. I remember, I was there too, alright? But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down, alright?"

Gally stood, adjusting his jaw where he'd been struck. "Kind of had that coming. Anybody else? Fry? Newt?" He glared at Aspen, "What about you? Huh?"

"What would I have against you, Gally."

"You held a knife to my throat before you left."

Aspen smirked slyly, glaring right back. "I'd argue for good reason. You were being kind of a dick."

Gally scoffed but smirked nonetheless. Despite everything he missed Aspen, the two had an odd relationship, that's for sure. But Gally found himself having a soft spot for the boy, he related to him.

"How? How is this possible, I don't- We watched you die." Newt stammered.

"No, you left me to die. And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Minho. W.C.K.D. has him here. We're looking for a way in." The British boy explained.

"I can help with that."

Aspen tapped his foot anxiously as he awaited Newt's return. He grunted as he turned his body to the side, his wound adjusting a tugging at his skin.

Glancing around himself to ensure no one was there, he pulled up his shirt sleeve to reveal the darkened veins surrounding the injection spot.

He touched a finger to the spot, wincing at the touch, before pulling his sleeve down as footsteps approached.

"What are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt? Hmm? This has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?" Newt questioned Thomas angrily.

Gally had just finished explaining the plan while Thomas objected, and Newt had had enough of it.

"Newt, what are you talking about?"

"Teresa. She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place." Newt stood angrily, getting up into Thomas's face. "Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back. And what? You don't want to because of her? Because deep down inside you still care about her, don't you? Just admit it."

"Newt I-" Thomas was cut off by Newt pushing him up against the wall aggressively. Aspen sucked in a shaky breath.

"Don't lie to me! Don't lie to me!" The boy backed away slowly, mumbling under his breath. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Aspen slowly stalked towards the boy as Thomas retreated back into the building. He sat next to him warily. "What's going on?"

Newt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, before pulling up his sleeve. "I'm sorry."

Aspen's eyes welled with tears, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I'm in love with you! Okay? and I feel awful about it because I know I'm going to die."

"Well I have some good news for you." Aspen pulled up his sleeve, showing the infection spot.

He let out a tearful laugh, it was bloody ironic, that they were both to be left there, to suffer, but they'd get to do it together.

Aspen pulled his sleeve down and leaned in, kissing Newt softly, hand intertwining in his blonde hair. "I love you too."

A heart of gold, and a heart of steel. Not exactly a match made in heaven but a match nonetheless. Yet soon both hearts would be overcome with the thick black tar that is the Flare.

At least they could die together. One in one, love forevermore.

They can't be disconnected in death.

So i'm started online school tomorrow, im lowkey terrified.

A/NSo i'm started online school tomorrow, im lowkey terrified

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