25 - Absolutely Comical

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Aspen leaned against the car quietly, a blade in hand as Newt leaned against a nearby table, as Thomas approached.

"Where do you think you're going, then?" Newt flicked the light on.


He took a few steps forward, "Don't be a twat about it. We're already in. Come on." He grabbed the boys things, shoving them into the vehicle as Aspen twirled the blade between his fingers.

"No. No, not this time." Thomas protested. "Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this."

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" The British boy opened the door to the vehicle to reveal Frypan in the drivers seat.

Aspen walked around to Thomas, patting him on the shoulder, "Come on, it'll be fun."

"We started this together, may as well end it that way, too."

Thomas caved, "Okay, let's go get him back."

They slipped out of the commune rather inconspicuously, Aspen and Newt occupying the back seat as they chatted about their months apart.

Aspen neglected to mention his being infected, though. It seemed like a bit of a mood killer, just not the right time to spring on your lover that you were well on your way to dying.

The roads were clear, but eventually they arrived upon a check in spot, clearly already having been overrun. Cars, rusted and abandoned, were spread across the place aimlessly. Aspen eyed them and the entire place with uncertainty, there was no way that there wasn't Cranks here.

They drove towards a tunnel, dark and dreary, before stepping out the vehicle, examining it from afar.

Newt scoffed, "You want us to go in there? I don't wanna come across as too negative but I mean if I was a Crank, that is exactly where I would be."

"I don't think we have much of a choice."

Newt clutched Aspen's hand warily as they entered the tunnel, driving slowly but making their way through. That was, until a Crank stepped out right dead in the middle of their path. It gagged and weezed, in both agony and bloodlust.

"It's okay, it's just one." Thomas attempted to reassure the group. "Take it slow, go around him. We'll be fine."

Frypan muttered to no one in particular. "Take it slow, take it slow."

Newt closed his window, before Aspen glared out his, breath catching in his throat as a woman stood there, hands on the window as her face showed clear signs of infection.

"Please. Please." She frantically, maniacally, pounded on the door. "Help me. Please. Let me in."

A man pounded on the other window suddenly they were overrun with Cranks. They yelled frantically as one began punching the windshield.

"Come on, Fry. Shake him."

"I'm trying!"

They drifted from side to side until they flung the creature off, a moment of bliss followed their momental escape before Frypan drive directly over something, tossing the vehicle to the side as it flattered to the ground, flipping over.
Aspen coughed as Thomas kicked out the window, a small shard of glass flying to the back seat as scratching him arm, over still healing cuts already coating it.

He hissed as Thomas desperately tired to open the doors and get them out. Newt crumbled out of the truck, before grasping Aspen's hand and pulling him out, too. Aspen held the cut, rather deep, with one hand while the other was firmly clasped with Newts, as Frypan climbed out of the vehicle.

Cranks yelped and cried close by, Newt grasping for his gun and finding nothing in its place. "Shit."

Aspen cocked his already loaded pistol, stepping in front of Newt protectively as he shot the creature with a mechanical like precisenesses to his aim. Frypan readied himself with a shotgun as she a creature on the other side. Aspen took the way they'd came, running backwards as he shot before turning and going full speed, shooting over his shoulder.

Aspen and Fry shot until they were out of rounds, the creatures crawled closer, the leering doom of what was coming next, washing over Aspen like a cold bucket of water.

Thankfully, Jorge and Brenda pulled up just in to me as the four Gladers climbed into the truck and they exited the tunnel.

Aspen let out a pent up breath as a smile graced his lips. He turned to Newt who wore a similar one to his own; a smile of relief. Newt rested a hand on the boys cheek before pulling him into a quick yet tender, emotional kiss.

They'd both thought that was the end.

Brenda's view landed on the rear view mirror, catching a glimpse of Newt and Aspen She looked away, pushing that punch of jealousy building up in her stomach aside. Why couldn't she have that...?

"I'm impressed. You guys almost lasted a whole day." Jorge's voice was calming to hear, something that warmed Aspen's heart as he pulled away from Newt.

Brenda turned back towards Thomas, eying him with a glare like non other.

He scoffed. "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this."

"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Frypan sputtered out from the back.

"You're welcome."

Jorge sighed, "Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defence. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too.

Aspen's smile of relief over being saved never faltered, despite Jorge's discouraging words. Until it did.

"Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out."

They abruptly stopped, stepping out of the vehicle and glancing towards the city, engulfed in thick concrete walls.

Newt let out a less than amused laugh. "Funny. Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in?"

"Yeah, it's hilarious."

Aspen allowed a frown to overrun his sharp features. "Absolutely fucking comical."


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