Chapter 4

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The next morning when Shikamaru woke up he was met the sight of his lovely Temari, curled up in his arms.

His heart fluttered at the sight of his little Beta.

She was a beauty, a rare piece of art, a crown jewel in his eyes and he reveled in the fact that she wanted him.

She was definitely a catch.

Strong, beautiful and independent. All quality's Shikamaru wanted in a mate.

On the other side of the small campsite we could see our resident bug user in his sleeping bag outside the tent.

Shino had decided to sleep outside. He wanted to be one with nature. He left after he mumbled something about loosing touch with his exo-friends and that was about it.

He also wanted his bug's to not feel trapped within his body.

Kiba didn't care. He and Kankuru where too busy sucking face in the tent.

Now when Kankuru woke up he looked down at the tiny brunette in his arms and smirked.

They might not have done much, but Kankuru did mark up his territory pretty good. Kiba's tanned brown skin from neck to chest was covered in dark purple hickey's.

Kankuru absolutely loved it.

It showed everyone who his little Beta belonged to.

In Ino and Hinata's tent both Beta's where cuddled up together. Hinata was the little spoon and Ino the big spoon.

Now this might have looked innocent, the scene of two best friends cuddling to provide comfort for the other. It would have, if not for the hickeys decorating Hinata's neck. She had been claimed by the blonde beta.

In Neiji and Tenten's tent both where just sleeping like they have not slept in days. Wich they technically didn't. Seeing as both of them had their 'Who's doing who?' board out.

They knew for a fact that Sasuke and Naruto where getting there. Sasuke had this air about him that screamed I need to dominate. And with the amount of Alpha's around that wasn't gonna work out well. So it won't be long before Naruto is a cripple and carrying the raven's pup or pup's. Uchiha's had incredible swimmers.

Shikamaru and Temari where definitely up to something. They where flirting back and forth the whole night and Temari was as red as a tomato whenever Shikamaru smirked at her. So they knew they either have or will screw each other.

Kankuru and Kiba most likely already did. They can't be certain. But Shino slept outside and Kiba is a moaner. That and Neiji used his byakugan to look into the tent. Tenten told him to.

Hinata and Ino where very much on their way. Not only is Ino territorial with her, but they saw a part of Hinata's exposed neck and can say for sure that there where more hickeys.

Choji and Karui, a girl from Kumogakura, where taking baby step's. They knew this, because Neiji and Tenten saw the two holding hands and Choji was so red they thought that he had actually chocked on something.

They knew for a fact Kurenai and Asuma had something going seeing as the two openly flirted with each other.

They also believed that Iruka and Kakashi where doing it. Kakashi might be lazy, but he will pull a kunai and cut you're ass. They saw it happen whenever someone looked at Iruka for too long.

They also had this suspicion that Guy-Sensie was screwing Lee's mom, he just doesn't know. Their reasoning you might ask? Lee look's too much like Guy to not be his son. You can't change their minds.

Now they where also convinced that Lee had eyes for Gaara.

Don't ask them how they just do.

Now as fellow tea lover's they have fool proof evidence that all of the above was true.

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