Chapter 13

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They had arrived in Kanoha a day later.

Kakashi had threatened everyone with a sparring match if they didn't move faster.

Their loved ones waited for them at the gate.

Sakura was the first to run towards her parents. She was gonna go and complain about how everything was a waste of time.

After Sakura the others started running towards their parents aswell.

Sasuke watched them in amusement. They sure as hell knew how to make noise.

He just sighed and shook his head.

Sasuke pulled Naruto with him through the crowd of crying parents and children towards the Uchiha compound.

He wanted Naruto to get familiar with his new home.

"Do you want to get some takeout before we go home?" Sasuke asked.

Neither he nor Naruto would be in the mood for making dinner tonight.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Naruto said as he held onto Sasuke's arm.

"Alright. What are you in the mood for? BBQ? Ramen? Vegan?" Sasuke asked.

"Hmm. Let's go with BBQ. I haven't had some good chicken in forever." Naruto said as he pulled Sasuke in the direction of the Akimichi BBQ restaurant.

He loved the sauce and the way they made the chicken was utter perfection for him.

"So barbeque chicken for you and I'll get the pork. What do you want on the side?" Sasuke asked.

"I want fries and a small salad. I'm craving tomatoes." Naruto said.

"Than we will get fries and a salad." Sasuke said as both of them walked into the restaurant and put in their orders.

They received it about half an hour later and waked home.

~∆•°°•∆Time Skip∆•°°•∆~

They had gotten to the Uchiha compound with their takeout still warm.

Sasuke unlocked the door and Naruto was the first to walk in after taking off his shoes.

Naruto turned on the lights and was quick to help Sasuke with the takeout.

He walked with the bags to the kitchen and quickly placed the food in plates.

He moved Sasuke's plate closer to him before sitting next to him and making him say a prayer before they started eating.

"You said you've been craving tomatoes." Sasuke said.

"Yeah. Don't know why though. Just want some. Why?" Naruto asked.

"My mom used to eat alot of Tomatoes when she was pregnant with me." Sasuke said, hoping the blonde caught on to what he was trying to say.

Naruto put his drumstick down and sighed,"There might be a possibility that I'm pregnant."

"Do you want to go see a doctor to confirm it?" Sasuke asked.

"Not just any doctor. I want to see lady Tsunade. She's the only doctor I can trust to not try and poison me on my way to the office." Naruto said.

"Have they really treid to do that?" Sasuke asked.

"Sometimes. If they can't get a hold of me while I'm hospitalized they would through a couple of thing's laced with poison at me." Naruto said.

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