chapter 3

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The team's and their sensie's had arrived at a second campsite.

Sakura had complained the whole way and they where very relieved when she had finally shut up.

Naruto had helped Sasuke set up their tent and the sensie's started a fire.

Naruto had gone inside the tent to lay out the blankets and stuff. He wanted it to look pretty.

The others where all seated around the fire. Sasuke sat in between Shikamaru and Choji. Sakura wanted to cling to him and he didn't want that.

However they where all imediatly on high alert when they heard people coming closer. They stood up, Kunai's ready and expecting anything and everything.

Out of the darkness they saw three approaching figures.

It wasn't long, before they stepped out of the darkness and into the light. They where friends not foe.

The sand siblings where stood in front of them. Each standing tall and proud.

"Oh hello Gaara, Kankuru and Temari." Kakashi greeted with a smile.

"Hey. What exactly are you guys doing here?" Temari asked.

"We are on our way to Uzoshiogakure. For some team building experience. Why are you here?" Kakashi said.

"We're also on our way to Uzshio. We are taking some much needed vacation time. The ruins there are beautiful." Temari said.

"Well than how about we go to Uzshio together? It would most likely be a much more interesting trip than walking alone." Kurenai said.

"I'm fine with it. How about you guy's?" Kankuru asked his siblings.

"Well it's better than looking at your ugly mug the whole time. So yeah." Temari said.

"Hey!" Kankuru whined out.

"Oh calm down. Besides Gaara agree's with me. Right Gaara?" Temari asked as she turned to her little brother.

Gaara wasn't answering. His eyes were scanning the camp, he was looking for someone.

Shikamaru caught on and said,"Naruto is in the tent. He wanted to get his bed ready."

"Wich tent is he in?" Gaara asked.

"The big black one. Naruto is in there." Shikamaru said.

Gaara nodded his head, gave his gourd to his brother and walked to the tent.

Naruto quickly greeted him with open arms.

"Why does he want to see Naruto?" Sasuke asked with a scowl.

"Omega's usually want to be near their Omegan friend's. And with so many Alpha's around its understandable." Temari said.

"Wait, you guys knew Naruto was an Omega?" Kiba asked.

"Ofcoarse. Gaara himself is an Omega so he can sense other Omega's." Temari said as she took a seat next to Shikamaru.

"If Gaara can sense other Omega's than why can't I?" Sakura asked. She wasn't able to sense that Naruto was an Omega and this made her unable to keep him away from her Sasuke-kun.

"Because Gaara isn't focused on getting dick the entire time." Kankuru said as he sat down next to Kiba.

"Excuse me!?" Sakura asked outraged.

"It's true and everyone know's it. So don't try to deny it." Ino said.

Sakura growled at Ino. Only to have Ino growl back at her, the pink haired Omega quickly stopped and beared her neck in submission.

"What exactly are they doing in there?" Sasuke asked. He didn't exactly like the fact that his Omega was in the tent with someone else, alone. Even if it was another Omega.

"Most likely nesting. Omega's ussualy do that when they are alone together." Temari said.

"What the fuck is nesting?" Sasuke asked. He hadn't learned about this in his Alpha study's.

"It's where Omega's ussualy make a nest for themselves. It is made from clothes of the Omega's closest friends and family. They want to cover themselves in the scent of their Alpha, family and friends. It's very rewarding for an Omega to carry their Alpha and loved one's scent." Temari said.

"Shikamaru did you ever nest with Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

Shikamaru leaned back a little and crossed his arms,"All the time. My mother and father did too. I'm not his Alpha, but I am his family. So nesting was something we did alot."

Sasuke had a scowl on his face. Hating that Shikamaru shared such an intimate moment wih Naruto.

He stood up and made his way over to the tent.

He found Naruto and Gaara facing each other holding hands.

They both looked at the raven.

"Sasuke come here." Naruto said as he sat up and held his hand out for the raven.

Sasuke took his hand and Naruto guided him to where he wanted the raven to sit within the nest.

"What are you two doing in here?" He asked.

"Gaara wanted to talk to me about something important." Naruto said.

"What exactly is so important that you don't want others to hear?" Sasuke asked.

"Gaara wanted to know how I was doing and I also wanted to know how he was doing. We haven't exactly seen each other recently." Naruto said.

"Okay. Question why exactly in the tent?"

"Because we wanted to nest and it's cold outside." Naruto said.

Gaara nodded in agreement.

"Naru where exactly are you sleeping tonight?" Sasuke asked.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Well I am getting the feeling that you are not going to sleep if Gaara is not here. So are you going to sleep in his tent or is he going to sleep in our's?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto turned to the raven on his knees and his eyes shining in happynes,"Can he sleep in our tent Sasuke?"

"Ofcoarse. As long as he agrees?" Sasuke said.

Gaara quickly latched onto Naruto and vigourisly nodded his head.

They quickly got the redheads bags and where called shortly after to get some dinner.

They changed into their pj's and went to bed.

Naruto and Gaara curled up together and Sasuke had his arm's around Naruto's waist. Gaara wasn't his Omega so he wasn't gonna accidentally put his scent on the red head.

That could throw off any Alpha's who wanted to approach him with the possibility of mating.

Gaara, might not have had the embrace of an Alpha, but he slept better than previous night's.

Just because his friend was there.

*∆•°°•∆•°°•∆•°°•∆* be continued...

Hope you enjoyed it
Love hug's and kisses

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