chapter 1] A Long Drive

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Dream POV

I looked out onto the horizon, judging by the position of the sun it was roughly 7:30. The sky was painted in shades of orange, pink, purple and red. It's not as beatiful as it used to be, but it's a nice break from the chaotic disaster that we call Earth.

I slid off the roof of the banged up Cadillac I was sitting on, and looked inside. My best friends were sleeping peacefully. Good. They haven't got much sleep since we've been on the run, and they need the energy.

I give the surrounding area a quick sweep, but find nothing. I slid into the driver's seat of the car and pull out of the paved driveway. Might as well get a head start well they're asleep, Sapnap gets motion sickness, so hopefully he doesn't wake up to long before we can find another suitable house to raid.

Now I realize, you're probably very confused right now. Allow me to explain. Roughly 5 months ago a new virus broke out, it was extremely contagious but seemingly harmless. Most people got off with a runny nose and headaches for a few days. Until all hell broke loose.

Apparently after a week of being infected the hosts brain begins to deteriorate and they become violent, no one really knows how it works because everything had already gone to shit before we had any time to research. By the time we'd even realized the virus lasted longer than we'd thought most of the population had already been infected.

Naturally with such short notice there wasn't time to find a cure. And that brings us here. Currently, the world is a living hell filled with violent walking corpses. I suppose the bodies are still alive, but they aren't people anymore, just mindless shells.

Being twitch streamers, me and my friends were naturally stay at home people, George and bad lived alone and sapnap lived with me, so none of us got infected. We only ever went out for groceries or to pick up food, and with all the safety precautions being taken for another virus that was going around, going to the grocery store once or twice a week wasn't enough to get sick.
I glanced at the back seat, George had woken up, and was staring blankly out the window. Obviously deep in thought I didn't want to disturb him. It wasn't to long before he spoke up with his usual habits, though.

"Dream, how long to the next town. I'm bored." Asked George, his accent far thicker than usual.

"If we were just in Brooklyn it'll take about 15 minutes until we reach Manhattan."

"Ughhh. I hate driving." He complained, holding the final I for emphasis.

"You're not even driving dumbass, you've been knocked out for most of the trip. You're welcome to take the wheel if you want to, though." I said sarcastically, obviously not expecting him to tell me to pull over so we could switch places.

"the feisty pissbaby george having compassion?"I said in mock surprise. I slammed the door so it would stay closed."absurd."

"Shut up."

"Haha," I laughed. Despite the things I say I love my friends. I couldn't ask for anyone better.

"Ugh. You are insufferable." He huffed out.

"You know you love me," I replied in a cocky tone. "You couldn't live without me." I grinned.

"Oh my God," I could hear the eye roll.

A few minutes later, Sapnap began to stir. He blinked a few times and looked around.
"Pull over," he croaked out, bringing his hand up to his mouth.

I started to panick. I was not getting my only clothes and our only form of transportation covered in puke. "George, hes going to vomit. Stop the car."


George quickly pulled to the side, not like there was really a point because there was no traffic. Sapnap threw open the door and rushed out. I looked away to avoid loosing the little food I had in my stomach myself. I hate vomit.

"What's happening?" Asked bad. Obviously he had been woken up by the turbulence.

"Nothing, just sapnaps motion sickness." Replied George, Annoyed and still tired.

Bad opened the door and rushed out. "Sapnap are you ok?" Heh, he's always so concerned. It's been even worse lately. I think hes scared of losing anyone else."do you need a cloth, or water?"

"Both would be nice, thank you bad." Replied a sluggish sapnap.

Bad rushed to the back of the car, where we'd stuffed our food, water, weapons, and some extra stuff we'd picked up.

Bad slammed the trunk and walked back out. He held a dark blue beanie and a thermos of water.
"Thanks bad."

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