chapter 2] Jackpot

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George POV

I pulled into the driveway of an okay looking house. Hopefully they had some canned food or something, we were running low.

"This place is actually pretty nice." Commented Dream from behind me. I may have jumped a little.

"Yeah, this place would have been sick for pool parties," sapnap pointed through the chain link fence. There was what I could only assume was a pool, covered in algae, dead leaves and dirt.
"Whatever, let's just just get what we can and get leave, I don't want to lose to much daylight." I pushed open the big door in the front of the house. "Oh shit, it smells like someone died and went to hell in here."

"Oh my gosh, George, language!"
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.
Inside the house was fairly clean, there was a bit of dirt on the floor and some broken picture frames, but that was about it.

"Yo George, I think I found the source of the smell," Sapnap yelled from another room. I walked over to see what he was on about.

"Oh my god," there was a human. A dead one. They had been stabbed in the stomach and their jaw looked like it had been dislocated. Their entire body was littered in bruises and gashes. "Sapnap.. that's.. That's so horrible."

"Yeah, looks like he went through some shit before he finally died." Sapnap was obviously shaken and didn't know how to react. Just looking at him you almost couldn't tell he was bothered, but I could see his hand quivering and the look of uncertainty in his eyes. This whole situation was just so stupid.

I averted my eyes from the rotting corpse. "Just.. leave it be sapnap, we shouldn't waste too much time here."

"Yeah.." we left the room and closed the door behind us. Tonight was not going to be fun.

Bad called out saying he'd found some canned food. We gathered in the kitchen and apparently Dream had found some clothes. In total we had about 10 cans of food, it would last us all about a week. Quickly we dispersed again, trying to save as much time as possible.

"Guys come here, now!" Screamed an excited Sapnap. Obviously he'd found something good. His voice was coming from outside.

I walked out what probably used to be a sliding glass door. There was a decently sized fenced in yard, there was the pool deck and, more importantly a shed. That had to be where sapnap was.

I stepped up the ledge. "Woah."

Dream rushed in behind me and almost knocked me over." What did you find sap- Oh!" I laughed quietly to myself. Dream got so excited over some things. "Yes! Weapons!" He said giddily. I grabbed a blue hatchet.

"Damn, these are some nice tools."

"Language George!" There was our favorite devil. "What'd you find sapnap?" I stepped to the side so he could see.

"Woah! This is amazing! We're no longer completely defenseless!" He walked over to a hunting rifle.

"Whoever lived here had a shit ton of faith in his neighbors." Said Sapnap. "A shed is like, the worst place to keep a gun. Unless they wanted it stolen."

"Oh my goodness. Sapnap."
"Sorry bad."

I looked over at Dream. He was completely mesmerized by a long, heavy looking axe. He was moving the blade so it would reflect light onto the wall.

We had brought everything back into the car and hit the road again. Sapnap was driving this time. After the house with the pool we had gotten into two more in the same neighborhood before the sun started to set. We got more food and clothing, even a pocket knife and a lighter.


The dead body. I couldn't get it off of my brain. I wonder who killed them. Maybe it was their wife, who had been turned into a lifeless shell by the virus. Maybe it was their sister who was staying over for a visit when the pandemic hit. Maybe it was someone else, someone unaffected by the virus. Someone who really wanted them dead.

Was this my inevitable fate, beaten to death by a living corpse? Was this how we were all going to die? What was even the point of trying anymore. What was our plan anyway?

Eventually the world would run out of canned foods. Were they going to try and survive off the bare minimum until they either starved or got killed? Was it worth it to suffer like that just to die inevitably. Why did he have to go on. If he died there would be one less mouth to feed. Maybe they should all die, maybe they would meet again in the afterlife.

George eventually drifted off and slumped onto dreams shoulder, too overwhelmed by his thoughts. It was a dreamless sleep. Restless. Tomorrow was going to suck ass.

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