chapter 3] Thoughts With Sapnap

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Sapnap POV

I gripped onto the wheel and stared out at the road, ignoring the sick feeling in my stomach. I was lost in thought, not really paying attention. Completely on autopilot.

The corpse I saw today, it got me thinking. Inevitably, we were going to run out of canned food. We needed a way to get food once there weren't anymore houses to raid, or enough gas to get to them. My immediate thought was farming. Farming made me think of minecraft farming. If we could find potatoes that would be good, carrots too, and herbs would also be nice. Heh, potatoes. Techno and his potatoes. We were never the closest, but we still had a lot of good memories together. I miss him. I miss all my friends.

I looked over to my right, bad was staring out the window blankly. In the mirror I could see George passed out on Dream, curled up into him. The good old days of Dreamnotfound, and streaming. It had been five months, almost six, since I had last sat down and streamed live to twitch. It felt like almost yesterday, but also felt like it was from a completely different lifetime. A lifetime where I had gotten to live out my life streaming with Dream, George, Quackity and Karl. The fans loved shipping Dream and George, their synergy and dynamic made it hard not to. Even Dream and George had fun with it.

I was shipped with Karl, and sometimes Quackity. That was probably one of the best parts of my life, meeting up with them. Me and Karl did so many things, I even got to be in a few Mr beast videos. God I miss them, so much.

We really should find a place to call home, though. And we should start saving gas for important things. The best option would probably be a big city, loads of stores and houses within fairly close range.

It has to be in north America, I'm pretty sure we're pretty close to the border. Maybe Edmonton, I've always wanted to go see the huge mall. It would be more fun pre apocalypse, but it'd still be sick to see now.

It would be nice to have running water, though unlikely. If we could get access to the internet we could probably figure out a way to make it happen in at least one house. With the internet we could watch old videos. We would need data since all wifi is long gone, maybe we could figure that out too.

I had to stop so I could throw up onto the side of the road. I stared at the map we'd stolen from a school. If I was right I had started heading towards Edmonton. I took another glance at my friends before putting my focus back on the road.

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