Chapter 8] Finally Home

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Dream POV

Sapnap screamed out my name from somewhere in the rather large house we were looting. Now this scream was a very dramatic scream, sounded kind of like a dying horse, but knowing Sapnap, he most likely found something he wanted to throw at me.

I abandoned the small bedroom I was in and went to search for Sapnap. It didn't take long for me to notice the ladder hanging down from the living room roof. Judging based off of Sapnaps dying whale noises, he was up there.

"Sapnap what the actual fuck are you doing in the roof?" I climbed the ladder and poked my head over the edge of the trap door.

"Look at all the shit in here. Old furniture, dismembered dolls. Theres even a fucking Picasso painting."he pointed around the dusty attic. "This is like, a horders paradise."

"Sapnap, how did you even manage to get up here." Sapnap was like a damn police dog sniffing out drugs when it came to these things. Sometimes I used think he and patches are the same person inside. She used to somehow find a new nook to map in every week, just like how Sapnap constantly finds the most obscure places.

"I used like, this old metal broom handle or something. That doesn't matter. Help me look through all this." He started searching through a pile of books.


We looked through stuff for maybe an hour. My mind started wandering and I accidentally thought out loud. "Sometimes I wonder if there are any other survivors."

Sapnaps head snapped to attention, his concentration broken. He say there and thought for a moment. "I mean, probably. What are the chances that 4 friends are the only people to survive the apocalypse. Who just happened to be considered famous, and just happen to be together when it started despite living very far away from each other. It kind of does sound like some sort of, I don't know, fucking movie plot or some shit."

"What would we do if we met any other survivors. The chances of that are either lower or higher now that we've stopped moving. I dont know, I failed grade 6 math." I leaned against an armchair.

"Higher, I think. They always tell you to stop moving when your lost. Dunno if that applies here." He said.

"Yeah yeah, but what would we do?"

"Hmm... I guess it depends on what they're like. If they try to kill us or steal obviously we fight back. If they're peaceful I guess maybe befriend them? The more the merrier, at least that's what my mom always said."

"That's fair." I replied. Sapnap walked over and sat next to me. "So what are you planning now that you've started growing potatoes?" I asked him.

He leaned against me. "Well, I was thinking rechargeable batteries. I'm looking for some solar panels and battery chargers and stuff. I could also try hydro electricity with the stream that runs through the park, though I wouldn't even know where to start.." Sapnap continued rambling, and I continued listening. Eventually I started rambling with him, and our conversation fell into complete chaos.

We went on for a while, judging by the sun at the time we left we'd been in there for at least 5 hours. Hopefully Bad and George weren't to worried.

We found a shit ton of stuff in that attic though. There were a bunch of good books, a few flashlights, and even some furniture. It took a few tries to get everything back to the house, but we did it.

"Oh my God, finally, I no longer have to sit on the cold, hard floor while I enjoy my spaghettios!" George was being dramatic per usual. He helped us bring the arm chairs and stuff inside. Bad was making a late supper of farmers beans and cream of corn.

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