Chapter 7] Time Loses All.

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Sapnap POV

I'm very proud of myself.

I managed to get potatoes AND a few herbs to start growing. The backyard of this house had a small garden, and we found some potatoes and seeds in other houses. Now we have a mostly infinite supply of food.

I want to try and see if I can get at least a small source of electricity. I think I'm going to ask Dream and George to come with me to find some solar panels, or solar powered things. In his last outing Dream found some chargeable batteries, so that might mean we could have a flashlight or two.

The night sky is beatiful, especially without city lights blocking out the stars. From my window I have a good view of the backyard, which has a park behind it. I can see a lot of the sky from it.

I remember the first time I really saw the stars. It was was when I first met up with Karl, on the third to last day I was there. Chris had come over to watch cartoons and eat with us.

  I distinctly remember the ending of The Lion King playing when Chris suggested we go to the park. At first I was confused, it was like, midnight, and Karl was half asleep. We agreed though, so we walked to the park near Karls house. Chris layed down on the grass, and waited for us to do the same. We all just stared at the sky, Karl and Chris started point out the constellations, and then we all just talked and shared stories. I wish I could go back to that moment, even just once, it's one of my favorite memories.

God I miss Karl so fucking much. I miss him more than I miss my own damn mother. He was my best friend, the person I could call at any hour to talk to, the one who had jokes only we understood, the one who would join in on whatever chaotic idea I had come up with without questions. I would have fucking married that man if he asked me to! And I'm just so pissed. I'm mad that hes gone, mad that I know theres no chance he'll ever come back, mad that I'm starting to forget what being friends with him was like.. I think about him constantly, hes always in my subconscious but I can hardly fucking remember what his laugh sounded like. I dont want to forget him.. I dont want to forget how the relationship we had felt like.. but I am and theres no way to fucking stop it.

  I hate this place, this planet we call earth. I can't stand how it just treats people like pawns in a game of chess, like they're made of wood. I hate how the universe decides that it's going to rip everything away from you, and not take you with it. I utterly despise the way it plagues itself with diseases that can kill of an entire species in a month, and I hate how it had to leave just a few of us here to deal with it.

  I fell asleep somehow, glaring at the world. I woke up to Bad gently shaking me and telling me he'd made breakfast. I nodded at him and he left to let me finish waking up. Groggily I changed into some comfortable clothes we found in one of the neighboring houses.

To be honest I'm kinda getting tired of canned foods, I can't wait until these potatoes grow. I've been considering trying to go fishing, it wouldn't be the best without the normal herbs and spices, but it would be better than the canned beans we've been eating for the past month.

We all gathered by the fire place, each of us with a bowl of porridge. Thank God porridge doesn't expire as fast as other foods.

"Is there anything else we need to do, or we all settled in?" Bad asked.

"I don't think theres really anything to do now besides make sure we have a consistent amount of food and keep ourselves entertained. Maybe we could drag in some furniture from the other house, but that's about it." George replied, swallowing his mouth full of porridge half way through.

"Yeah, I would say we're pretty good," Seconded Dream.

  I would say something but I'm to busy stuffing my face with porridge, and being concerned about bad. Hes been acting closed of lately, he kind of closed off after the incident, but hes gotten worse lately. I think hes getting hit with a wave of depression, but I dont really know what to do about it. If I tried talking to him about it, he would say hes fine and change the subject. He's usually the one that's there for us, not vice versa.

I can only hope that Dream will try to talk to him about it, he's better at dealing with this kind of stuff than I am.

I think I'm going to ask Dream to go with me to look for some solar panels and stuff, I want to start playing around with getting at least some electricity back. A little bit of light would be nice, and maybe a heater so we dont have to constantly cut wood.

"Ay Dream, you have any plans for today?" I asked.

"Not really, just chill. I might go out and look through some houses for furniture so we dont have to sit on the floor." He responded resting his head on the wall.

"Yeah, actually I was going to ask if I could come to look for some stuff." I set my porridge bowl down on the floor.

"Oh no, Sapnaps being ominous again," George put his hands on his cheeks and pulled his face down in mock surprise.

"Shut up George, if you wanna know what I'm working on your free to come help. Though I don't know how much you would know about electricity.

Dream perked his head up from his bowl of mushy brown sugar oats, "Are we finally getting flashlights? Bumping into every wall when I have to go take a shi- crap at midnight with no light is getting very annoying."

"Maybe." He looked hopeful. "MAYBE. I ain't no genius. I hardly remember shop class."

Regardless Dreams face broke out into his classic goofy grin and he gave a little cheer with his spoon. "Here's to Sapnap being the savior of kneecaps." He raised his bowl, George and bad followed."Wooo!"

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