Chapter 11 ] Awake

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Sapnap POV.

I have the fucking worste headche. My eyes flutter open and I raise my head. My arm is almost trapped behind Dreams back. Carefully I pull it out.

George must have covered us with a blanket. I stand up and lay the blanket back over Dream. The world is dim, I look out the living room window, the sun is just barely in the purple hued sky, it's kind of beautiful.

The house is deathly silent. The air clear, but thick with sadness. Its weird that life can decide to just completely change so much in such a small amount of time.

Its early, no one else is awake. Today it's a good thing, I dont think I can bring myself to speak.

I walk through the side door into the garage, plopping down at the old big table I had dragged in when we first got here. The battery charger I had found still wasn't working, though to be fair I dont have much experience with wires.


After about an hour of messing around with the solar panel and battery charger, Dream shuffled into the garage.

"Hey Sap, Uhm.. Bad wrote a letter to us. Kind of.. you'll uhm, you'll see what I mean. Me and George didn't want to read it without you." He sounded kind of quiet, tired in the depressed energy-less way.

"Oh.. yeah ok I'll come read it with you" My voice was hoarse and crackly from not talking.

I set the peices on the table and followed Dream into the house. We shuffled into Bads room, George was sitting on the bed, completely dazed out. I glanced down at the notebook on his lap. That must be the note.

George realized we had entered the room when we sat down on the bed with him. He opened the book, the first page just had 'Dear George, Dream, and Sapnap.' Written on it. He flipped the page.

Assuming your reading this I've decided to go through with.. well y'know. I wrote alot, I know you guys probably wont care about most of it but that's okay, you dont have to read this.

I know what happened to Skeppy was my fault, and I'm sorry. I know I cant turn back time but if I could I would have switched out places, I shouldve stayed behind instead of him but I didn't. I'm not asking for your forgiveness because I know that I don't deserve it. But just to acknowledge that I know you guys have every right to hate me.

George, take care of Dream please, and the both of you and dont let Sapnap get into to much trouble. Sapnap please make sure that Dream and George get outside more, Dream make sure that Sapnap and George dont spend all their time working. I love you guys so much, I know the feeling isn't mutual but I'll miss you all. Maybe I'll get to see you again someday. Goodbye.

Why, why didnt I talk to him. I knew something was wrong. God dammit, fuck you life. Fuck you in all your board game glory.

I looked away from the note at George and Dream. George was just staring at the note, eyes wide and unfocused. Dream was in tears. George turned to Dream, and just kind of fell into him. Best I leave these two alone for now.

Slowly shuffling through the hallway, into the kitchen and out the back door, I sit down under the tree. Me and George had taken Bads body down by a stream running through the trees Dream came along and we held a small funeral service. But this tree still brought back everything.

I just cried. I cried and cried until I threw up, then I cried more. It felt both horrible and relieving to finally be able to let everything out, everything pent up inside since that day. I cried for Bad, I cried for Techno, I cried for Alyssa.. I cried for Karl, and Skeppy, and Callahan. I cried for every last Goddamn person who died in this stupid mess, and I cried for everyone who lived through it.

Eventually I woke up. My entire body hurt from laying on the ground for what must have been hours. Inside I grabbed a can of beans and cooked it on the woodstove.

Well it simmered I walked down the hall to Bads room. Empty. I looked into Dreams and George's room to find them both asleep, George wrapping his arms around the other, who's head was snuggled into his hair. They can eat when they wake up.

Fuck this, I grab the beans and go out into the garage. This is getting done, and it's getting done soon.

Post note] writing is hard :(

Stay hydrated, get some sleep, yadayada. -Astraruse

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