Chapter 9] One Last Trip Down Memory Lane

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I quietly left the others in the living room. They were having fun and I'd rather not burden them.

Closing the door to my room I sighed, I think tomorrows the day. I'll finally see him again, I'll finally relieve the others of my presence.

Theres a pretty oak tree out back, I think that's a good place for it. I know Dream brought in some rope from one of his expeditions, so that's set.

I sit down at the small desk in my room and opened up my notebook. My feelings spill onto the pages until theres no more room, every page filled with excuses and stories. When the time comes my heart will be opened for the world to see, but not for a few hours.

My mind is tired, and despite not doing much today I'm exhausted. I lay down in my bed, preparing myself for the night terrors that will fog my brain once I fall asleep.

Almost immediately I wake up in a room, I can tell that theres things in it but I can't focus on what they are.

"Bad?" A voice calls out from the door that has come into focus on my right. I swiftly turn my head to look at the figure.

"S-Skeppy?" I haven't seen his face in so long. I run to give him a hug.

"Ew, what the fuck are you doing. Dont touch me you disgusting bitch!" He pushes me into the wall. I stumble and fall onto the hardwood floor.

"Huh? Skeppy?" I'm so confused, and... scared.

"You killed me, why the fuck would I want to talk to a heartless murderer." He glared down at me.

"W-what do you mean Skeppy? I could never hurt you!"

"You left me to die from radiation and toxic fumes. You ran away while I suffocated. I died and it's all your fault. It should have been you who was left behind in that God awful place." He planted a hard kick into my side.

"N-no skeppy I would never! I wanted to come back for you, I did! But I couldn't find you,"he kicked me again. "Skeppy I swear I tri-" another kick. My side hurt worse than it ever had. "Skeppy!" Another kick, and another, and another. He was kicking me so much that I couldn't talk no matter how hard I tried. I just layed on the floor well he kicked and stomped on me ruthlessly.

Eventually I blacked out, then woke up in another room. It was a living room, a couch and a TV playing something. Someone was sitting on the couch next to me. I looked down at who it was. At the same time he looked up at me, and we locked eyes. Skeppy smiled up at me, and I softly smiled back, every memory of the prior situation forgotten.

We layed there for a few minute before Skeppy moved. At first he just kind of hugged me from the side. Then he moved on top of me, straddling my legs and pinning me down to the couch.


He leaned in, his left hand pushing back my shoulder well his right hand held a tight grip on the face. He forced his lips on to mine, and then suddenly it wasn't Skeppy anymore. It was my mother. My eyes darted around, I was in her old houses living room, on the floor leaning against the wall. Everything from that day 9 years ago rushing back, all as I was about to relive it.

I lived through it all again, every last thing in excruciating detail. I was crying in my old room when I blacked out and drifted to the next dream..

After hours of torture and reliving painful memories, I woke up again. It was still quite early out, the moon just about to be covered by the curve of the earth.

I walked as silently as I could, rummaging through the stuff in the garage until I found the thick rope Dream brought in. Grabbing the stool from the living room, I floated towards the door as if I were already a ghost, my mind foggy.

In a state of derealization, I made my way through the back door into the backyard of sorts. The house was on the edge of a large park, close to the house was a large oak tree, it had thick, lush branches, and vibrant green leaves that glistened softly in the moonlight.

I tied the thick rope around a sturdy branch as I bid the world farewell. Goodbye Earth, Goodbye George, Dream and Sapnap. Goodbye.

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