Chapter 10] Good Morning

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I woke up curled into Dreams side, thoughts of last night rushing to my conscience. Ok, that sounds wrong. God damnit why is my brain like this. I'm happy he told me though, it answered a lot of my questions. I understand now why Sapnap was so cold to me during that time. Anyway, it was still pretty early, Sapnap might be up because hes an absolute menace to every living thing on this cursed planet, but other than that everyone else should be asleep.

I dragged myself to the living room, planning to make myself breakfast. Sapnap was sitting on the loveseat, staring off into space.

"Morning Sap."

"Hm? Oh, morning George. Dream still asleep?"

"Mhm." I took a seat on one of the armchairs.

"Damnit,"Sapnap muttered to himself.

"You need him for something?" I asked.

"Yeah, its fine though. I'll let him sleep." He rested his face on his hand. "You want breakfast now, or are we waiting?"

"I'm starving, you can wait if you want to but I need food." I got up again and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat. bent down to look in the bottom cabinet. I hear Sapnap get up to follow me.

His footsteps traveled into the kitchen, then stopped. "W-What the fuck?.. What the hell is this.?"

I looked up at him, "hm?" following his gaze to the glass double doors that led to the backyard. "O- oh."

"T-this is just a joke right?" He looked at me. "Right George?"

"No.." I dont know how to react, I want to punch something, Cry, and throw up all at the same time.

I throw open the doors and run until I'm only a few steps away from the tree, Sapnap follows. As I approach My legs get so shaky that they can hardly move. taking one more trembling step towards Bads hanging body, I grab his cold hand. Sapnap crumples down to the ground, tears running down his face. He buries his head in his hands and just sits there.

I turn around and head back inside, thoughtlessly going down the hall into me and Dreams room. I just stand in the doorway. He lifts his head.

"Something wrong, George?" I dont answer. He gets up and walks over to me. I hug him, burying my face in his shirt.


"F-follow me." I lead him out to the back yard.

"Bad?" His voice is shaky. His eyes dart to Sapnap, who's standing up. Dream walks over to him, and Sapnap hugs him, hiding his tear stained face. Dreams leads him inside.

I'm completely numb. In a trance I step up on the stool Bad brought out, and carefully untie the rope from the tree. I catch his body before it hits the ground. laying him down softly on the grass, I fold his hands over his chest, and go back inside. Sapnap and Dream are on the loveseat, Dream rubbing small circles into Sapnaps back like I had done for him the night before. Quietly, I walk past the living room, down the hallway. My brain barely registers what I'm doing before I close the door to Bads room and lay down on his bed.

My eyes immediately get heavy, and I fall into a restless, dreamless sleep.

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