Chapter 12] Old Souls Cafe

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Dream POV.

I left. not permanently, but I need to be alone. Everything is getting to be a little bit too much. Usually I dont go to far so that I dont need to walk far to get back home, but today I wandered to a chain of shops I hadn't seen before.

There was a coffee place, in hopes that coffee beans dont expire I went inside. The last time I had stepped foot in a cafe was the day George had arrived in Florida. People were smiling and laughing everywhere, the neighborhood Karen was arguing, well yelling at, the cashier. George stood close behind me. "I dont know how much I like Floridas shops," He said. I just laughed and ordered.
Now it was dead silent, no whirring of  blenders or pouring of drinks. Just the wind blowing in through the broken window. No couples at the tables looking at eachother all gooey eyed, no parents scolding their kids for running off or being loud. Just silence.

I stood in the door way for a minute, spaced out. Realizing the reality that no one was ever going to walk in and order their usual drink ever again. This once busy place will eventually rot, be just the shell of a place once filled with the memories of many.

  A strong gust of wind snapped me out of my daze, I walked inside. The kitchen had a few bags of different types, I threw them all in my backpack and quickly left.

  I continue down the street, not looking for anything really, just walking. My teachers used to tell me I always had my head in the clouds. It ended up getting me in trouble alot. When I was little my dad would say that there just wasn't enough time for people like me to think about everything we needed to think about, so we had to think about alot at the same time.

A song started running through my head, I stopped for a minute. It had been months since i last heard music, since I'd last had time to think about it. It was a song I'd wrote shortly before.. well this.. I remember being kind of nervous to post it, my voice not ever really being something I was super confident about. The internet kind of didnt like it very much, it all just boiled down into a meme. But I didnt mind it too much, it hurt a little, but it was one of my first attempts really writing a song so I didnt expect it to be a masterpiece.

"I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time, stare at the ceiling well I hold back what's on my mind.." I quietly sung to myself. I didnt remember all the lyrics, and ended up just looping the song rather than singing the end. But it was kind of comforting.

  I looked up, I'd come to a library.. or was it a book store? I want sure but it was filled with books. I went inside, the bell on the door ringing. It smelled of musty books and mildew, but it was also so familiar. I looked over the shelves, grabbing a few interesting looking books and shoving them in my backpack, before curling up in an old armchair and opening one.


  Hours must have passed, the sun was high in the sky, beginning to go down again. I was hungry having not eaten breakfast. Not wanting to worry George or Sapnap either, I decided to go back. If Sapnap even knew I was gone, that is. Considering how much time he spends in the garage doing whatever it is he does, I doubt that he's even spoken to anyone today.

  I had gone farther than I usually did, the walk back was about half an hour rather than it's usual 10 minutes. I walked through the door to find George curled up in the living room, lying in the sunny spot on the couch fast asleep. Smiling to myself, I quietly closed the door behind me and crept to our room. I left my backpack on the floor and laid down on the bed. I hadn't realized how tired I was but, almost instantly, I fell asleep.

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