chapter 4] Lost time

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Sapnap POV

"But if we don't figure out the heating in time we'll freeze. And any surrounding water sources will too." Bad argued. He made a good point.

  "I didn't think about the weather." Admittedly, I didn't think about a whole lot. I was tired.

  Dream perked up a bit. "We could go to Florida! My house was big enough for all of us, and if no one else has gotten to it there's a cellar filled with canned foods, there's also a garden and a bunch of gardening tools and seeds in my shed!"

  "Dream, Do you not remember why we left?" Asked Bad. "A nuclear power plant exploded, there could still be radiation and toxic fumes everywhere. Its far to dangerous."

  A look of realization hit his face, obviously he realized what else had happened there. "Oh shit." he cringed and prepared to be scolded by Bad. "Sorry Bad... I just got excited and didn't think about.. that.." he obviously felt bad. It had hit all of us, but got Bad far worse than anyone else.

  We decided that California was probably our best bet, Dream and I had been there before, it was warm, and we wouldn't have to worry to much about water. No one said it but we all knew the others were hoping that we might find another familiar face.

  It was bads turn to drive today, I took the front seat to both piss off Dream and spare George his sleep. I wish Karl was here, I loved my friends with all my heart but I would never be as close to them as they are to eachother. With Karl I had a best friend to have inside jokes that no one else would understand. Someone who I could tell anything and not have to worry about it being passed on to another friend. But life's not perfect. The best I can do right now is focus on keeping us alive.

  I thought back, way back, to when Dream and I had first met. I was 15 and he was 14. We clicked almost instantly. I remember being so jealous when George came along and he got closer to Dream than me. Dream was so different back then.
   It was only recently he had started to change. I mean of course he was more mature as a 20 year old, but he was still the Dream I knew and loved. Now he's... I don't know how to describe it. He's way more jumpy, and he doesn't tell me about things anymore. It felt like I was loosing my best friend all over again.

  I don't think my heart could handle almost loosing Dream a second time. I couldn't go through it again, especially not without anyone else I can distract myself with. My best option now is to just shove it to the back of my mind. That's all I can do.

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