Chapter 6] A Place To Stay

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Dream POV

We've found an okay house, it had a For Sale sign out front and there wasnt any rotting food or anything inside. It's in a pretty open area near the middle of a city.

It's been six months now, I think. If I'm being honest I've lost count. Long enough that I couldn't imagine going back to how life was before, as much as I wish we could.

  Bads been acting off lately. Like a more extreme, closed off version of himself. I want to ask him about it, but I know he likes dealing with his problems on his own. He'd probably just laugh it off and change the subject. If only I had been more careful. Whatever, that was months ago and if I keep thinking about it I won't be able to stop.

  The house only had 3 bedrooms, me and George ended up sharing a room. Sapnap said something about him kicking in his sleep, and Bads stressed enough. It's not the worst thing though. I like not being alone when I sleep, and I'm in a position where I can protect George if anything breaks in. I swear that boy could sleep through a hurricane and flash flood and not bat an eyelid.

  We got to have a break, finally. Constantly being on the road last month took a toll on all of us, Sapnap especially. George is less cranky, I can actually focus well having a conversation now. Bad has been doing a lot of housework, And Sapnaps no longer throwing up constantly, and is far more alert.

  Bad has probably cleaned the entire place atleast 9 times in the 7 days we've been here. George has been staying in his room for the most part, only coming out to make food or when we need his help. Sapnaps been keeping himself busy doing God knows what, and I've been checking out the nearby houses. Most of the time I go alone, sometimes Sapnap or George will come with me.

  George called out that food was ready. We all met in the living room, where the wood stove was. Except for bad.

"He probably fell asleep." George suggested.

"Dibs out on waking him up." Sapnap said, already on the floor with a cup of alphabet soup.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get him." I wanted to make sure he was atleast getting some sleep and not overworking himself too much. His room was at the end of the hallway.

I quietly knocked on his door so that I could say I did. As expected he didn't asnwer so I walked in. There was a notebook laying on the desk, flipped open. Bad had passed out on it. Atleast he was doing something with his time. Good.

  I tapped on his shoulder, "Hey bad, wake up. Foods ready and you haven't eaten anything else today." His head shot up, and his arm immediately moved to cover the open page of the notebook. Must be a diary type thing.

  "Okay Dream, just give me a minute to put stuff away and I'll be right out." He said, sounding both tired and a little shocked.

  "Alright, you better hurry before Sapnap eats it all." I chuckled slightly. He smiled.

  "Will do." I carefully shut the door behind me and walked back to the living room

  I grabbed some of the soup off the top of the wood stove. To be annoying, and because I wanted to, I sat next to George and leaned my head against him.

  "Dreaaamm, I'm trying to eat." He glared at his shoulder, or maybe he was glaring at my head leaned against it. Meh, probably his shoulder.

  "So I can cuddle with you when your not eating?" I questioned in the most innocent tone I could.

  "No, go cuddle with Sapnap or something." He took a bite of his soup. Sapnap heard this and made grabby hands at me.

  "But Sapnap is always busy doing whatever it is that Sapnaps do. I want to cuddle with you." I leaned into George's side more.

  "Ugh, you're so annoying." Like usual, without looking at him I could hear his eyes roll.

  "Complaining but not moving." I smirked and slurped up a spoonful of soup, which is not as easy as it sounds when your head is almost horizontal on someone shoulder.

  "You are such an idiot, like actually, such an idiot."

  I giggled and took another bite of my soup.

  Bad walked into the room and grabbed the remaining cup of alphabet soup.

"Woah, Bad, you good?" Sapnap asked in a half playful tone.

"Yeah I'm just really tired." He replied, clearly still a little out of it.

We sit there in a peaceful silence for a little bit, eating our soup out of cups we'd stolen from our deceased neighbors.

"So, I've been working on something." Sapnap stated as he put his cup down on the floor.

"Oh yeah?" I asked in a slightly sarcastic manor. No shit, he's up at almost every hour of the day doing things and refused to explain what.

"Do tell." George said, somehow thickening his accent in attempt to make fun of him.

"We might not have to eat only canned foods anymore." He said proudly, putting his hands on his hips. He looked like a kindergartener who had just wrote their first capital letter or something.

"Oh?" Bad perked up a little bit at the sound of this.

"I've managed to start a potato farm outside. And I could probably get basil and shit going if we could find seeds."

Bad cringed but didn't scold him. Odd. He must still be tired.

"Wow Sapnap, I expected you to say something stupid. That's actually pretty good, unexpected from you." George said in an extremely passive aggressive and sassy tone.

"I know right. Our little Sapitus Napitus is growing up." I faked wiping a tear from my eye.

"Literally shut the hell up. I hate you." Sapnap crossed his arms.

"I redact my statement, he still in his edgy teenager phase." I wheezed so hard I doubled over. George burst out in laughter and Bad giggled.

Sapnap sat there with his jaw almost hitting the floor in shock. His eyes were filled with panic for his ego trying to come up with a response.

"Ok boomer." He finally said. I could no longer hold back my laughter.

"Really Sapnap? That's all you could come up with. I thought I raised you better than this." I said between fits of laughter.

"I'm so disappointed in you Sapnap. I'm disowning you as my child." George stated well trying to hold back more laughter.

"NooOo. Daddy Georgeee. Please don't leave me Daddy George." He begged, getting on his knees and raising his hands together in a fist for dramatic effect.

"Sa-p-nAp." I couldn't even talk at this point, I just sat on the floor sounding like a human teakettle.

Today was a good day, or well, as good as a day in a world where almost all of humanity is dead could be. I think we're starting to finally move past most of the grief. Most of the infected are gone, died some way or another, and we've found a safe and comfortable place to stay. We have a renewable source of food and George is finally laughing again.

  George was snoring softly next to me, he almost sounded like patches when she used to curl up with me at night. I would never admit it out loud, but sleeping is easier with him here with me. I finally let my eyes rest, snuggled into the sheets and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

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