chapter 13] Tired

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george pov

I woke up in a haze and looked to the side with droopy eyes expecting to see Dream lying next to me, but the sheets beside me was empty. Groggily I dragged my half asleep self to the kitchen. the house oddly quiet, I could hear the floor boards creak beneath my feet and the wind outside blowing against the house. Dream wasn't in here either, or the living room. he must have gone out exploring again.

I opened the door leading into the garage, hoping to see Sapnap. Sitting in the corner at his desk, there he was, attention completely focused on the object in his hands. My lip tugged down into a small frown, he's been overworking himself. I can see bags under his eyes and his hands are shaking.

"Hey Sap?"

He jumped a bit, "Oh, hey George. I didn't hear you come in sorry." a half smile appeared on his face, distant and tired.

"Have you seen Dream? I can't find him."

"I think he popped his head in here earlier and said he was going out to look through more buildings or something." he turned around his swivel chair. "He'll probably be back in a few hours."

"Alright, have you eaten yet? I'm hungry so I'm going to make food."

"I'll eat later."

"Ok.." I turned to go into the kitchen.

Canned beans are getting more boring everyday I have to eat them. I wonder if there are any berry bushes around. Maybe I could transfer some to the backyard. I'll get Dream to come look with me tomorrow if he doesn't have plans.

The old couch creaked slightly as I put my weight on it. Laying curled up into a corner on a pillow, the throw blanket Dream brought in the day after we found the couch tucked around me. Nothing better to do than wait here for Dream to come back, usually he's only out for a few hours at most. Quietly, I hummed to myself. music, something that was once an everyday thing in my life, now a privilege I haven't had the luxury of even thinking about in what was over half a year.

A peaceful silence filled the house, though shadowed by undertones of grief and despair. I drifted to sleep again.

A/n: short and late chapter, I know. I've literally spent the last 2 weeks watering grass all day, don't question it. I also begin school again in a few days. Once school is going my uploads should be a little bit more frequent than they have been, especially once it begins snowing here because I'll have to go outside less. Wear sunscreen, don't eat unproperly canned food, get bochilism, be paralyzed and die. And, my first realistic story is actually in construction :D it'll probably take a year at minimum for me to even consider it done enough to begin publishing any chapters, but it's started! Oh yeah and lastly, have a good day.

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