Chapter 5] On The Road... Again..

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Badboyhalo POV.

The battered and disheveled Cadillac drove over the cracked road. Hopefully we would get enough gas to get us to California.

Thoughts were racing through my mind before I had time to process them, yet my head felt empty. I mean, Sapnap has to hate me for what happened, right? It was all my fault after all. George never liked me in the first place, and Dream will follow whatever George and Sapnap think.

I guess it's alright. They're still alive after all. I'm still alive, I shouldn't be, but I am. They probably wish I had died, one less mouth to feed. I can make it up to them though, right? I can take care of sapnaps motion sickness, I can handle distributing food, I can make sure that everyone else has enough energy.

I fell asleep and forced dream to take watch and drive two days ago. He probably thinks I'm lazy. I am, I need to do more. I need to push myself harder. If I were doing my job I wouldn't have fallen asleep. Oh my goodness, I wasted so much time I could have spent planning.

I glance at Sapnap, he's staring out the window looking both pissed and sad. It's probably because I was to much of a baby to consider going back to Florida. The radiation has to been gone by now, right? And now Dream probably won't get to see his home again, or any of his stuff even though it was within reach. It's all my fault. If I wasn't so sensitive we could be going to Florida where Dream, Sapnap, and George would all be happier.

I should leave them, I can fight for myself. Maybe dying wouldn't be so bad. If I died I would get to see my friends again.. And I could apologize. They hate me anyway, they'll be glad to see me go. I know they're too nice to say anything, well sapnaps a different story, but George would shut him down if he tried anything. I'll get them settled in California, then I'll leave...

I know so far all the chapters have been pretty short, but there's not much to say well they're just driving all day and night. Chapters should start getting longer once they reach California though. :]

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