saved at last

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trigger warning!!!!!!!!!!

 there's description of blood in this one and i kinda went ham on it my bad but i'll put a bolded asterisk where it starts and ends so that those who dont want to read can skip it safely!

thanks guys for ur endless support!

bros also not me predicting sooga plssssss i made him up and then nintendo stole my idea :'(((( shouldve been paid fr fr 


link breathed in and out as he defeated the last yiga scout in sight. for now.

he entered the hideout and came face to face with a circular-like room with large curtains hanging over the top of potential entrances to goddesses knows where with large statues of warriors being covered in the disgraceful symbol of the yiga clan. he slowly approached the staircase to the left and stood still, his hand hovering over the curtain.

he proceeded to lightly touch the soft material when he heard a sound coming from the far right of the room. there, he could see a slight glow behind the curtain with minute sounds coming from within. link descended the stairs and walked towards the far right curtain instead. 

link's pointy ear twitched slightly when he heard another sound. the sound of...voices? link took out a small bottle of sneaky elixir and gulped it down in one go. he wiped his mouth with his arm and felt the elixir start to take effect as his footsteps gradually had no sound to them and his movements were close to nothing. 

the hylian proceeded to further enter, and sneaked up the small flight of stairs as he soon entered a much larger room where there was a man-made wooden bridge connecting to a small cell. link looked into the cell and saw that it was empty - meaning that y/n was somewhere else in this hellhole of a hideout. he sighed and cursed.

a large yiga clan warrior walked out from the side below link, one hand holding a lit torch. link bent down and watched the warrior as he walked around the room, surveilling each corner and passageway. 

link thought for a moment, how was he going to get pass the warrior without being seen? the elixir isn't enough for him to quickly sneak past. 

link looked to his right and saw a small pile of bananas...

"there's just no way, right?..."

link grabbed one bunch and walked down the stone stairs where he stopped at a corner, away from the warrior. link watched the warrior's movements and saw his opening. he silently threw the pile of bananas and to link's (disappointed) surprise, the warrior started to get giddy and made his way over to the fruit. link quickly snuck past as the warrior happily munched on the fruit and escaped to the next room. 

— later —

link successfully snuck past each room in the hideout with stealth and precision and soon entered another area he frantically looked around.


y/n was nowhere to be found and link started to panic, thinking that she could be dead already. the panic started to really kick in once he noticed that this was the last room - there were no more passageways or entrances. link shook his head and forcefully reminded himself that y/n was alive and that she was waiting for him to rescue her. there was a chest in the centre of the room which link opened hastily as he didn't want to waste any time, fearing that his friend could be on the brink of death at any moment. 

silent memories // botw link x readerWhere stories live. Discover now