Part - 22 Battle & Ruined everything..🏴‍☠️

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Two cars come to stand in front of the gate of Fang Yun Marshall Art's Institutions and two bodyguards come out and open the door of the second car and out of it comes a handsome man who is wearing a white shirt and black court pants over it. He is wearing full black leather shoes on his feet and in his hand there is a most expensive watch of the ethos company and also there is a geogles with black in the eyes and there is another person with him who is wearing a full black suit and he has taken a file in his hand.

After a while that handsome man starts moving towards the institute and another person also start walking with him and there are 2 bodyguards behind him

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After a while that handsome man starts moving towards the institute and another person also start walking with him and there are 2 bodyguards behind him. After a second everyone come inside the institute where all the students are training and they all see that person. So they all stop their training and everyone starts looking at him confusedly that person look at one person and order him.

Person: Go and bring Chen Zhou.

Student: Okay sir!

He leaves from there and after a while the Chen Zhou reaches with that student and when he looks at them, he gets confused and then asks that person.

Chen Zhou: What is this Ting Hao?? Who are these people and what are they doing here with them?

Second person: Well I'm Wu Cheng the personal lawyer of Mr. Fang Ting Hao and I want to tell you that legally now this hall belongs to my client and I have come here to get my clients the rights which you are grabbing.

Chen Zhou: What rubbish is this??? Your termite is fine this is legally my hall and I am the owner of this entire Fang Yun Hall not Fang Ting Hao.

Wu Cheng: I'm telling the truth, here is the legal transfer papers of the entire Feng Yun Marshall Art's Institutions. So, according to this, from today onwards the owner of this entire Marshall Art's institutions is only and only my client Fang Ting Hao, even the branches of this hall are there wherever they are all that is also under in his, so from today whatever my clients will say, all of you will have to listen it. If someone tries to go against him, you probably don't know what I can do.

Chen Zhou's whole focus is on the documents and he was constantly turning the paper and he gets shocked seeing it because it has his real signature and Ting Hao's entire focus is only on Chen Zhou and seeing such behavior brings a smile to his face. Chen Zhou does not understand how all this happened, then he starts thinking.

Ting Hao: Don't stress your mind so much, I will tell you how all this happened. You remember when I came to America and then came to your cabin to meet you.


When Ting Hao go into in his cabin and as soon as Chen Zhou seeing him smile come to in his lips and said

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