꧁𝓒𝓱.6 ~𝓢𝓸... 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓙𝓸𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂?~꧂

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(Imagine that is sort of the view outside when Flynn gazes out of the window, obviously without all the houses and that there are cliffs built up on the edge! Enjoy!)

"Goldilocks in a tower?"

Either this woman didn't know what jokes are, or she's just never read the book, but she did seem conflicted at your statement. However, the man behind you seemed to have a different reaction, as he was in hysterics.

"HAHA! Oh... you're a keeper. You're definitely a keeper." Flynn spoke whilst wiping away any escaping tears. You couldn't keep a straight face, so you cracked a small smile, and mumbled out a small 'sorry.'

"Who... Who are you? You look like one of those soldiers I read about..." The blonde woman questioned you, clearly disregarding the previous joke. Has she never heard of the Royal Guards- actually, if she's never been outside, then you were sure she definitely wouldn't know about your job. Deciding to joke around a bit more, you smirked.

"A bit rude of you to ask for my name... yet I don't know yours." You spoke. Emerald green eyes widened like sauce pans, and her face went slightly pale.

"O-Oh! I-I'm so sorry! T-That was quite rude of me! A-Actually! I should've realised t-that as you are in my t-tower! I-I'm Rapunzel, b-but you can also call m-me-" After her stuttering mess, she seemed to have realised something as her expression turned from that of shock to one of horror. You took note, and come to a conclusion as to what she must have seen. You sighed out with a blank expression on your face.

"It's the arrow, isn't it?" You asked. The girl nodded frantically as a response. Immediately, she took action and rushed over to what you assumed was her kitchen. You turned your body so that you were facing Flynn, and stared at him.

'I do wonder how he managed to find me, if my horse doesn't even talk, let alone manage to understand him. How did he manage to find my horse? Did my horse find him? I need fucking answers right now...This is so unfair.' You must of been staring at him for too long, because you were suddenly met with an all-knowing grin plastered on the male's face.

"You're staring, princess." He stated. You rolled your eyes.

"There's something that look really ugly on your face, and I was trying to figure out what the fuck it was." You said. He rose an eyebrow at you.

"Well? What is it?" He questioned, raising a hand to his face and patting it around, trying to find something that wasn't meant to be there. You smirked.

"You." Flynn stopped all movement and just froze. He slowly drifted his eyes to yours, which held mischievous wonders as well as E/C orbs, that were as fragile as glass. So many emotions in one sitting could be found, if you took the time to study the woman. It was now his turn to stare at you, and unbeknownst to him, his turn to make a fool of himself. You too reflected an all-knowing grin on your face, as you crossed yours arms over your chest, and changed your posture.

"You're staring, Bandit" You chuckled. He snapped out of his daze, and opened his mouth to say something, but before he could breathe a word out, a loud pitched voice could be heard ringing out from the other side of the room you two were in.

"I got the first aid! Come over here so I can help you out!" Rapunzel called out to you. So, you obeyed, wanting to get this arrow out of your shoulder, before it could get infected. You dragged a chair with you on your way, and placed it just in front of where the blonde woman was, sitting on it, and looking up at her like a child wanting to know their next instruction to something. She sighed, still a bit traumatised by the large ass arrow that was still embedded in your shoulder. Fortunate to have a body protector, just the unfortunate place it got you.

"Well, would you look at that." (Flynn Rider x reader)Where stories live. Discover now