I have been a member of Wattpad since 2012, a long time. I've seen trends come and go on the site. I'm annoyed by a lot of the newer designers who suddenly believe you MUST use royalty free images for all your design work. People, it's Wattpad, let's get real. Most copy right holders could give a flip if their images were used here.
1) because you aren't making any money off of it
This place counts for very little in the grand scheme of the world. Unless you're making money off the images (like if you're part of the coin program) most won't bother coming after you in any capacity because it's not worth the time and effort. Unless you're outright claiming a completed design made by another as your own then there's no reason for this sudden targeted interest in using royalty free images. It's ridiculous considering a lot of stories on here are fanfictions, which require the use of images from shows, movies, bands, and so on. I worked at Office Depot in the print center for a little over a year and they have a strict policy of not printing copy written material, however copy right law has some leeway. As long as an image is changed 30% it is no longer considered covered under the law as the original, unedited image is. It gives artists some wiggle room to create their work. Like say, oh manip covers, people.
I don't enter contests here anymore because people have become so uptight about shit that it's ridiculous. (And let's be honest, Wattpad could give a shit. I've reported straight out stolen fully completed images of published book covers people are claiming as their own and wattpad doesn't care)
Right, ranting over with, I'll go back to my corner now.
Tears of the Fallen
RandomRandom thoughts, weirdness, and whining from yours truly.