The Nightmare that is CMYK

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If you design for anything having to do with print then generally your end result color file needs to be in CMYK. This is the color profile most printers use, whether it's for book cover, magazine, posters or whatever else, if it's printed out then it's usually in CMYK. RGB is used mostly for web because it has a wider color spectrum that our screens have no problem dealing with. CMYK is literally a four color spectrum. When converting from RGB to CMYK you lose so much color there are times files end up black and white and it's seriously annoying to have to color mange. 

I'm working on a cover for an author and I've been messing with it for over an hour and the colors refuse to cooperate and it's just pissing me off because the RGB file looks so good.

Right, back to it I guess, rant over lol.

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