Chapter 6

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The black van pulled up to the backside of the arena. The fans stood crowded outside, screaming and looking with their phones high in the air. The boys jumped out and walked in a line into the building. Harry was walking last with the camera in a band around his neck. Finally inside, Louis waited by the inside of the door for Harry. He looked over his shoulder to make sure that the door keeping all the fans outside had closed before he wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulders. Harry smiled and looked at Louis as they walked towards the green room backstage. 

As Harry's belly had started to form and grow this was most likely one of the last times he could be seen in public without exposing the fact that he was pregnant. 

Harry was wearing an oversized sweater underneath his coat which he hung on the wall in the green room along with everyone else's outdoors clothes. It didn't take long before the door to their room opened and Simon came inside to greet them all. 

"Hello boys.", Simon said as he entered the room to which Harry turned around. He had never met Simon before even though he knew that he was a big part of Louis' management. "You must be Harry."

"Hi, nice to meet you.", Harry said politely after confirming his identity and shook Simon's hand. 

"You too, I've heard such good things about you."

"You too.", Harry said politely even though neither of Louis nor the other's talked about Simon, ever. 

All he knew was that he was the biggest boss if so to say. He had the most power about Louis' public life. And the one finalizing all decisions made. 

After meeting all of the contestants the boys checked out the set and the stage for a final time before everything was going to start. Harry was checking out the space of where he could stand and take pictures. 

As Louis was a guest on the show, him and the other's spent most of the time behind the stage - even Harry. Harry was used to be out by the stage from beginning to end, which he didn't have to this time. Most of the time he spent his time sitting on the couch with Louis and the other's as they watched the show from a big screen backstage. Once it was time for Louis to preform, Harry as per usual got guided out by Paul who kept him company. As expected the fans even recognized Harry as he came walking in the dark. Though the fans kept screaming and trying to reach Harry, he tried to keep his focus on the stage. 

"Now, I want you all to give a warm welcome back to no other than - Louis Tomlinson!"

Despite being a part of Louis' entire tour, he still got shivers as the fans screamed behind his back as Louis appeared on stage. Harry smiled proudly and lifted the camera up to his face to take some pictures before he walked to get other angles. Louis and his band preformed Walls. Harry walked to the opposite side of the judges table and changed the settings of his camera to try out some filters, as he did sometimes. Even though he mostly looked at Louis through the little view finder he still caught Louis looking at him multiple times and smiling directly at him. As the song was about to end Harry felt his whole stomach turn as he felt the scent of coffee as he stood next to the judges table. Harry barely got to react before he had to rush backstage with his hand covering his mouth. 

Louis placed the microphone back in the stand and looked out over the crowd smiling as he sang the last chorus of the song. That's when he spotted Harry as he covered his mouth and basically tackled his way through the guards. Louis caught himself frowning his eyebrows but quickly had to snap back to what he was doing. He finished the song and grabbed the microphone as Simon began having a little chat with him, meanwhile his band went backstage. Even though Louis wanted to run to Harry, he kindly stood still answering the questions before he heard his name being called out as a thank you - to which he walked with quick steps backstage and handed the microphone to one of the guys working behind the stage. Louis ran out of the area behind the stage and out in the corridor where he saw Maxwell turn into the green room of where they had been hanging out. 

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