Chapter 40

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After a long day of waiting, due to delays, and a flight of ten hours - Louis finally made it home to his house in London. As expected, the entire house was dark and quiet by the time he arrived. He thanked the cabdriver for the ride and paid before he walked up the small driveway leading to the front door. He carefully unlocked, opened the door and stepped inside before he carefully closed and locked the door behind his back. He leaned himself against the wall as he untied his shoes and carried his bag with him through the house, and up the stairs. He smiled fondly as his first sight was Harry and Darcy sleeping on the bed. His little family. He felt himself being filled with fondness, love and warmth. He quickly brushed his teeth and changed out of his clothes in the bathroom before he carefully climbed up on the bed. 

He carefully laid down on the other side of Darcy. He placed a soft kiss on Darcy's cheek before he leaned over her to give Harry a kiss as well. He flexed his arm under his head as he laid down and looked at Harry who slowly started blinking. 

"Hiii.", Harry whispered with a smile but his eyes barely open. Louis chuckled fondly and smiled. 

"Hello, gorgeous. I didn't mean to wake you.", Louis answered before he pouted. Harry smiled softly and rubbed his eye. 

"It's alright. Welcome home.", Harry whispered as Darcy rolled over in her sleep. "All went safe and sound except for the old man?"

"Yes, my love. And I'm so happy to be home.", Louis whispered as he gently removed a string of curls that had fallen in Harry's eye as he moved slightly on the pillow to see Louis properly over their daughters head. "But let's go back to sleep, it's late.", Louis added as he saw Harry yawning before he nodded his head. 

"Would you mind moving over here tho?", Harry pouted as he moved closer to the other side of the bed to create space for Louis behind himself. 

Louis smiled fondly and brightly as he carefully crawled over to lay down behind Harry who smiled. Louis moved his arm underneath Harry and wrapped his other one around his waist from above as he spooned him. Harry smiled proudly and moved back to be even closer to Louis who held him closely. Louis kissed him softly on the backside of his neck before he gave him a couple of kisses on his shoulder as well. Harry hummed softly and took Louis' hand from the arm he was laying on and intertwined their fingers. 

"I missed you so much.", Harry mumbled in his sleepiness as he lazily placed a few kisses on the backside of Louis' hand. Louis smiled and nuzzled his nose against Harry's neck and breathed in his lovely scent.

"Me too, I missed you lots.", Louis whispered in response as he felt how Harry relaxed more and more as he began falling back asleep. It didn't take too long before Louis himself fell asleep with Harry in his arms and their daughter in front of them. 

The following morning, Louis was all alone in their white painted bedroom. The blinds were still covering the windows, though a few strings of daylight peeked in through some of them. Louis rolled over and looked at the empty spot beside him and pouted in response. 

Meanwhile in the kitchen downstairs, Harry had just finished feeding Darcy with some yoghurt and berries. As she sat in her stool by the kitchen table, Harry cleaned off the cutting board where he had cut the berries into smaller pieces, along with the knife he had used. Harry hummed along to the cartoon Darcy was watching on the iPad that stood on the table in front of her. Once Harry was done, he took a cup of tea he had just made before he lifted up Darcy from her chair and put her down on the floor. 

"Do you think daddy is awake yet?", Harry asked as Darcy looked up at him. She stood up, holding his hand and smiled proudly as she almost stood completely still. 

"Daiii!", she said excitedly causing Harry to smile. 

Harry took a few steps forward to show the way but then waited a little bit for Darcy to decide the speed in which they'd walk in. Once she did, they slowly walked out of the kitchen towards the stairs. Darcy held a firm grip of Harry's thumb as his hand was way too big to hold properly. He made sure to stop whenever she did, yet encourage her to keep walking. 

Louis laid in bed still as he was still jet lagged from the flight. He had turned over on his tummy with his face in the pillow as he started hearing Harry's voice slowly coming closer to the bedroom. Louis looked up confused as the phrase "Oh, one, two, three, four!" was repeated by Harry, and every now and then he added a "yay!" before he started counting again. Louis turned over on his side where he could see the door that was partly open and waited as he knew, and heard, Harry's voice was coming closer. 

"Ohhh, watch the doorframe!", Harry said as he and Darcy appeared after Harry gently pushed the door open. 

Louis lifted himself up on one of his elbows as he was laying sideways in the bed with a surprised yet proud smile on his face. Harry smiled as he looked up from Darcy. 

"Look, daddy, we are waaaalking!", Harry said excitedly causing Darcy to look up as well. She had been looking down at her own feet most of the time, impressed by herself and how she moved forward by using her little feet. 

"Daiiiiii!", Darcy squeaked as she spotted Louis who smiled right back her. 

"You're walking so good, princess!", Louis said as he couldn't take his eyes off of her as she and Harry slowly but surely approached the bed. "Oufff, come here!", Louis groaned softly as he reached down to lift her up by her waist as she reached the end of the bed. 

Harry smiled fondly and proudly as he watched Louis lift her up in his arms and placed the cup of tea on the nightstand before he sat down on the edge of the bed next to them. Louis started tickling Darcy, causing her to squeak and giggle before he placed a lot of kisses all over her face. 

"Today we even walked a few steps in the stairs!", Harry said as Louis looked up at him while hugging Darcy who made herself smaller in Louis' arms. 

"Oh wow, look at you all courageous!", Louis exclaimed as he looked down at Darcy who tried to reach for Louis' messy hair to pull at. "That was the 'oh, one, two, three, four' moment?", Louis chuckled as Harry climbed over him and laid down behind him smiling. 

"Yes!", Harry giggled as he looked at Louis who smirked fondly. 

Darcy laid on her tummy between Louis' and Harry's legs as both of them sat up against the headboard. Louis sipped from his morning tea meanwhile Harry sat next to him, with his head on his shoulder and admired their daughter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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