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in his embrace, the world stopped still on its axis. both of their minds were at peace. he felt her body press in, soft and warm. they've missed each other so bad that it feels wrong to break out from the hug. finally, they were together once again. finally, they both felt like they were home.

8 years ago...

"a new patient on this floor? hm, that's new..." thoughts run through the young amemiya taiyou's mind as he walks forward to the new patient's room. this floor is specifically for children with the age no higher than 7. only a few have been admitted to this floor and so, young taiyou was happy that he can have a friend. but he was also saddened by the fact that a kid his age was also sick.

"(l/n) (y/n)" he read the name tag quietly. suddenly, he heard a familiar voice from behind startling him, "oh-ho? what is mister amemiya doing here?" a teasing voice asked.

"i..! i was just looking... i mean, i was curious who the new patient was," he said with his hands up in the air. the woman before him chuckled softly, "yes, yes, but it's too early and you still haven't eaten breakfast have you? okay then, let's go back to your room!"

taiyou's hospital room was no different from the others, except that it was full of soccer posters pasted on the walls. aiko's heart always aches whenever she comes inside the young boy's room, she pities the child for not being able to play the sport he loves with all his heart. his sickness forbids him from doing too many physical activities, but that didn't stop taiyou from playing soccer. he always says that one day, he will be playing on a big soccer field full of people his age that have a passion for soccer.

taiyou sat on his bed while aiko prepared his breakfast. "say, aiko-san, who is the new girl and why is she here?" curiosity filled his eyes, "her name is (y/n) and she's here becau--". taiyou's door burst opened before she could even finish what she was trying to say. "uhm... i'm s-sorry..!," the young girl who opened the door apologized and closed the door quickly. aiko sighed and told taiyou to eat his breakfast, which he did, he was starving after all.

even with his mouth full of food, taiyou spoke "aiko-swan, are ywou not going affer hewr?". she chuckled before ruffling his hair and answered, "do not talk when your mouth is full. and, of course i am going after her, make sure to finish your food!". taiyou nodded and gave a small thumbs up to her, aiko smiled at how cute the young boy was.

she knocked on y/n's door, after a short while, the door opened revealing the small figure of a girl before her. "l/n-san, do you need anything? i already left your breakfast at your table, do tell me if you need anything else," aiko assured the young girl, but she shook her head and said "i'm... scared." tears started welling up in y/n's eyes, aiko couldn't do anything but comfort the young girl. she took her small hands and led her to her bed, in the small table laid there sports magazines. "soccer magazines?" aiko took one in her hand before putting it down to help y/n eat her breakfast.

"say y/n, do you like soccer?" aiko asked curiously. y/n's eyes sparkled by the sudden question, a small smile formed on her lips before her expression became a gloomy one again. "yes, i think soccer is an amazing sport and i... wish i could play." sadness was visible in her eyes, tears welling up and threatening to fall down once again. aiko sighed and put on a smile as she gave a thumbs up to the child in front of her, "i believe in you l/n-san! one day, you will be able to play soccer!"

y/n was very happy to hear the words of reassurance from the nurse, even though she knows very well that she might not be able to play her beloved sport, "thank you hamasaki-san, and p...please feel free to call me n/n," she said as she fiddled her small fingers to which aiko responded with a soft laugh. "then, you can call me aiko-san or aiko-sensei! don't be scared anymore n/n-chan, i'm here by your side."

on the other hand, a young boy got impatient and rose from his bed. he sneak inside y/n's room to see what is happening and why aiko took so long to come back. he did his best to tip-toe and tried not to get caught but to no avail, y/n saw him immediately. "hamasaki-san, i-i think there is someone outside..." she stated while pointing to her door. taiyou stopped tip-toe-ing when he saw aiko look at the door to see who's outside, "oh crap, i'm gonna get caught," he thought. he slowly turned around to go back to his room but aiko already saw him.

"taiyou-kun? what might you be doing here again outside y/n-chan's room?" she teased the young boy, taiyou could only scratch the back of his head while smiling sheepishly. he chuckled nervously, "haha, taiyou was getting impatient so taiyou went to check on aiko-san." he sure was nervous, aiko could only laugh with the little boy's antics

y/n was just as curious as taiyou is, and so, she went outside her room and met the young boy. taiyou's arms jolted, although he managed to get some words out of his mouth, "h-hello..." he said awkwardly. the young girl before him waved at him hesitantly before hiding behind aiko, "n/n-chan, this is amemiya taiyou. taiyou-kun, this is y/n." she gave the two children a smile.

there was a short awkward silence, y/n knew she had to break it, "nice to meet you..." shy as she is, she managed to say those words with a small smile. taiyou flashed a smile and shook her hand, "it's my pleasure to meet you y/n!"

heya~! i hope you like this chapter so far, i will be updating this book every week. do tell me your insights if you'd like to! i'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions about this book !!

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