chapter 10

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a year later...

"...sorry but, who are you?" taiyou and tenma, along with a h/c-haired female, stood in the soccer field in silence. both of the males expected that something like this might happen, but they were still stunned. a soccer lover who doesn't know matsukaze tenma, the captain of raimon? surprising. in fact, it looks like this girl doesn't even know how to play soccer as she almost got hit by a soccer ball not too long ago.

"oh, forgive my lack of manners. thank you for catching the ball before it hit me," she bowed her head a little to show respect and express her thanks. taiyou shook his head, regaining his composure, "it's nothing, sorry for asking such a silly question out of nowhere too." he smiled at her, gesturing at tenma to speak.

tenma cleared his throat, "i'm matsukaze tenma, the captain of raimon soccer club. may i ask what club you're in?" he asked. y/n looked taken aback but soon answered, "club? uhm, i haven't applied for any yet since i just transferred here yesterday." that fact wasn't surprising either. it seems like in this timeline, y/n studies in raimon junior high, and she doesn't look sick.

"i see! do you mind if you come with us? ah— i mean, would you like to visit the soccer club? do you like soccer?" tenma is panicking, so taiyou thought that he needed to butt in on the conversation. but to their surprise, y/n shook her head, "thank you for your invitation but i've already been invited to a club, it would be a shame to reject their wonderful proposal."

"is it really okay to take down an offer so fast–?" those words came out of taiyou's mouth subconsciously. "oops-.. what i mean is, don't you want to visit some places in this school?" he rephrased his question immediately.

the female in front of them thought about it carefully, "then... if you insist," she answered, taiyou and tenma had a small triumphant smile on their face. i don't know where you went and what happened to you on the original timeline but i think that at least in this timeline, i'd like to play soccer with you on a real soccer field. taiyou was deep in his thoughts.

when they arrived inside the big club room of raimon, the atmosphere was light-hearted and everybody seemed to be energetic. "minna! we're back!" tenma announced, spreading his arms a little as he waved at them. "welcome back," kariya greeted back, sounding almost sarcastic.

"starting today, l/n-san will join us." y/n looked at him, confused. how did he know her name? did it slip out of her mouth earlier? besides, she never agreed on joining the club! uh... did i just got kidnapped?

"matsukaze-san, with all due respect, i never said i'd join the clu–"

"welcome to the club, n/n-chan!" a cheerful girl with dark blue hair said as she took her hand and shake it. and who told you that you can call me by my nickname?! it's not like its a big deal but–

she slightly shook her head, she was so baffled at what was happening around her. "i'm really sorry but i have to leave now, it was nice, uh, meeting you all," she bowed her head and bid goodbye, ready to leave. "y/n, wait," taiyou stopped her by holding her wrist.

y/n looked at him, shocked, his eyes look as if he was begging for her to stay. he seemed like a joyous person who doesn't choose to reveal his true feelings to others, a secretive one when it comes to emotions and thoughts. yet, here he is, being honest with his feelings at the moment. "come with me," he took her hand in his gently, the rest of raimon looked at them in wonder.

"young, and true love," a second-year female with long vermillion hair stated. kiriya was the first to laugh at her joke and the rest followed. "you think they're in love?" a second-year student who has long black hair asked, curiously. the former humphed, "it seems like that kid – taiyou – is,"

"ha? they're too young for such a thing, midori," he disagreed with her opinion. "what would you know about love? huh, nishiki?" a certain grayish-brown-haired male shook his head as the two started fighting again. i think they're the ones in love, he thought.

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