chapter 5

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y/n opened her eyes and blinked at the sunlight streaming through her room's window. blinded by sunlight and blue sky, she closed her eyes once again and threw herself at her bed. a few minutes later, someone knocked on the door, "good morning, n/n," the familiar voice greeted. the girl sat on her bed and gave a small smile to the nurse, "good morning, hamasaki-sensei." aiko smiled back at her and placed her breakfast on the table, after telling y/n to rest after eating her breakfast, she bid goodbye to her.

breakfast was a quiet meal, with y/n lost in thought and taiyou not accompanying her today. she then wondered, "where might taiyou be?" it was unusual for the orange-haired boy to not be present during breakfast. usually, he'd be the one to wake y/n up. and so, y/n decided to visit taiyou's room.

after taking a short bath and getting dressed properly, she went to taiyou's room only to find it empty. "huh?" she examined the room, no signs of the boy at all, not even aiko. sighing in defeat, she decided to go back to her room. before she could even reach the doorknob, someone called her name, "ah-! n/n-chan, there you are." confusion replaced the defeated look on her face. "where were you?" aiko asked, y/n explained that she went to see taiyou but found his room empty. the nurse before her smiled at her, "today is taiyou's birthday, didn't he tell you about it?" y/n felt betrayed, her best friend not telling her that his birthday is today? oh, it's pure betrayal, or at least that's what she thinks.

they went to the open space on the hospital grounds, taiyou was sitting in front of one of the round tables. it was far away from the other patients, there were balloons around, a few cupcakes and a cake were also present on the table. taiyou glanced up to them in surprise, but it was soon replaced with a gleeful expression. "n/n, you're here!" he greeted, the smile on his face soon disappeared when the girl didn't respond immediately. he tilted his head and it seems that it knocked some sense to y/n, y/n smiled, "happy birthday, taiyou-kun," she said, guilt filling up her chest.

taiyou noticed that something was off about his friend, so he asked, "y/n? is something wrong?" the h/c-haired lass shook her head, "nothing... fine, why didn't you tell me that today is your birthday?" taiyou looked at her, looking as if he was confused, "because you didn't ask..?" it came out as if it was a question, y/n rolled her eyes and cross her arms. "a-ah... hahaha, don't worry n/n! it's no big deaaaal," he convinced her, he doesn't have a single idea if y/n is scary when she's angry, so he tried to stay alert. "oh yes it is! i... i couldn't prepare a gift for you," she confessed, it was obvious that she was embarrassed. he gasped and glanced up at her face, he chuckled softly, "is that what you're worried about? really y/n, it's no big deal at all. the best gift i've received is you, my friend." that small declaration brought a smile to y/n's face, blush was visible on her s/c cheeks.

an awkward silence followed afterward, then realization hit y/n, she broke the silence, " wait, so if u r 8 years old already, does that mean," her voice was shaky, she was nervous. taiyou nods silently, "mhm, i will be moving to a new room today," he proclaimed with a gloomy expression. noticing the change on y/n's expression, he tried to assure him, "but don't worry, i'll try to visit you at least twice– no, thrice a week!" this made the girl before him chuckle. with a smile on her face, she said, "okay, then that's a deal."

taiyou's birthday was livelier than ever, with a friend on his side, he was sure that he won't feel lonely, ever again.

just a quick note: today isn't taiyou's birthday !! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you on tuesday :D

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