chapter 7

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y/n likes to combat boredom by reading a book, but not today. she sneaked out of her room to roam around the hospital, and she successfully did so. she was walking around happily, not giving care to those around her, she just wants to spend her days in peace. not until she bumped into someone, the boy has short spiky navy blue hair, just a bit taller.

"you sure walk fast for someone hospitalized..." the boy commented. on the other hand, y/n is busy rubbing her forehead, "i apologize for not looking where i'm going," she said and bowed her head slightly. "it's okay, be careful next time." y/n realized that the boy seems to just finished crying when she looked up to him.

"hey, uhm, what's your name?" she hesitated but still asked. the boy looked confused but answered, "tsurugi kyousuke," he said shortly. "how old are you?" what a brave girl y/n is! she's starting to talk to other people now.

"oh crap, should i really be conversing with him? should i give him space or what?" many thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously.

the boy once again looked confused but nonetheless, he answered, "seven, i'm turning eight in a few months though." the boy named 'tsurugi' didn't know why he told y/n about that, but he thought nothing is wrong with telling her.

"oh i see! then we're just the same age, would you like to be friends?" y/n offered, "i'm starting to talk like taiyou now, aren't i?" she shook her head mentally. tsurugi considered it, besides, he doesn't have friends and he is surely bored in the hospital. without thinking about his next actions, tsurugi nodded, y/n shook his hands carefully, "that's great! my name is l/n y/n, feel free to call me n/n though." oh what an energetic child she was, "i guess hanging out with taiyou is great after all, i'm learning how to converse with other people."

tsurugi nodded once again, "what a quiet person, unlike taiyou..." y/n thought. "hm so, what are the things you like?" she started the conversation with a friendly question, they are now walking side-by-side. tsurugi gave it a thought, "i like... soccer," he said, the answer he gave his newly made friend made her eyes twinkle as if a child who was given candy. "really? i like soccer too!" she sure is energetic today. tsurugi smiled a bit, "then, should we play soccer once you're cured?" the question made y/n chuckle, "not happening... i guess haha." she's starting to accept her fate now, if taiyou finds out about it, he might be angered a bit.

tsurugi's brows furrowed, "why is that?" y/n put her hand on her chin as if she was thinking, "that's because i'm never going out of this hospital!.. ahaha, i mean, i can't play soccer, you know," she answered nervously, the last sentence made the boy's expression grim. "is something wrong?" tsurugi shook his head.

y/n hopped around like a little child, enjoying the environment, "oh by the way, why are you here? did you get examined? got a medication? visiting a relative?" she took guesses simultaneously. "what a talkative girl," tsurugi thought. "the last option." y/n made an 'o' face and nodded.

"why can't you play soccer?" tsurugi asked, breaking the peaceful silence. y/n smiled, "i'm sick and it forbids me to do excessive physical activities." she made it look like she was fine, but deep down, tsurugi knows that it was painful for her not to be able to do something she loves. "i see, then, what do you do when you're bored?" it was his turn to ask questions, "uhm, read books? i guess." she didn't really know what to answer, she hasn't given it any thought yet. she just look around her room and grab whatever seemed to be entertaining, she has no other particular interest other than soccer.

they silently walked together outside the hospital, the walk was peaceful, y/n liked it. the city air is fresh this day, almost sweet and floral as the pace of living relaxes to a steadier rhythm. tsurugi looked at the girl beside him with awe, the air between them was as calm and peaceful as it was raging around them.

breaking the silence, y/n expressed, "it is so fresh, and peaceful and free!" he smiled at her, "what? you sound like someone who hasn't seen the sunlight for a year already," he teased. to y/n's dismay, she opened her arms wide and shouted, "exactly!" although exaggerated, it was true, she can't get out of her room after all.

"hey, maybe, after all, i want to play soccer with you," she stated. a small smile formed on tsurugi's lips, "sure, you better heal fast then."

yay, a new friend!! tsurugi won't play a big part in this story since it's a short one. this is one of my favorite chapters, i hope you enjoyed reading it!

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