chapter 3

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shaking her head, she ran through the hallway chasing her friend full of regret, "why did i agree to come with him..." she thought. earlier this morning, taiyou had an idea on how to sneak out of the hospital so they can play soccer, of course, who is y/n to disagree with his golden plan? they trailed down the hallway towards the ground. growing tired of running, y/n started panting which made taiyou worried. "n/n? are you okay— oh probably not, sorry." he smiled sheepishly, making the girl before him chuckle a bit. he peeked through the outside, "we're almost there, let's go!"

it wasn't that long until they reached the ground floor, they sneaked until they reach the back of the hospital. "here we are! sooo, who should grab the ball?-- oh wait, i'll do it." he soon came back with a soccer ball, y/n smiled that warmed taiyou's eyes, "hm, are you always playing soccer secretly here, amemiya-san?" the boy before her laughed nervously, "yeah... here we go!"

while they were playing, the ball suddenly went too far. "ah! i'll go get it." he volunteered to get the ball. it stopped rolling in front of a reddish-pink-haired young male, he has a pale skin tone and has dreary lightless-gray eyes, he grabbed the ball.

"do you play soccer, too?" asked taiyou with his hands on his hips. instead of answering the question with an answer, the pink-haired asked him, "what about you? do you like soccer?" taiyou's eyes glistened, "of course! soccer is the most important thing to me." although his expression showed happiness, sadness was hinted in his voice. "but i... i can't do any extreme exercise because of my illness. and that probably won't change in my whole life." the reddish-pink-haired male listened to the young boy carefully.

"that's why i've decided to be a supporter. hey, did you know? japan's soccer team is fighting the world right now! it's so cool! they're competing with these huge, strong guys from overseas!" he exclaimed, his bright blue eyes expressing delight. the young male before him smiled, his dull eyes lit up as if it was brought back to life, "i see," he muttered. "when things get really tough for me, i feel better when i watch japan's matches. that's why i decided that even if i can't play soccer, i can at least support them with all my might. that way, they can grant my dream for me in my place."

"even when you can't play soccer, you're able to feel soccer close to you," he stated, causing taiyou to nod in agreement. "mhm! but that doesn't mean i've given up. they gave me the courage to get better." with a smile and eyes full of determination, he continued "one day, after i'm all better, i'm going to play soccer." the young male before him let out an inaudible gasp as if realization had finally hit him, and with that, a smile of joy lit up his eager face. "you've helped me realize something. i don't know why i was so worried. i might not be very good at soccer right now... but i like you, i like soccer. i love it," he said, meeting the boy's gaze with as much determination as he could muster. "so, i don't want to give up on soccer yet either!" taiyou then responded with a "yeah."

"so uhm... can i take the ball back now? hehe." he chuckled and smiled sheepishly, the young male before him smiled and apologized. "what's your name?" he asked. taiyou raised his hand for a handshake, "amemiya taiyou, it was nice meeting you, nii-san!" he answered with a very cute smile plastered on his face. "what about you, nii-san?" he shook taiyou's hand, "my name... you can call me yuuma." taiyou gave him a smile, "then, nice to meet you yuuma-niisan!"

taiyou came back to where he was before the ball got into yuuma's hands, he looked around and met a y/n who was sitting on the ground, "sorry i took too long!" he apologized. y/n shook her head and smiled at him, "it's no big deal, don't worry," she said.

earlier, she was getting impatient so she followed taiyou, she heard the whole conversation and was inspired by her friend's words. she looked at him with admiration, "hey taiyou-kun, one day when you get to play in the big soccer field, i'll be your number one fan, okay?" taiyou was shocked by her words, a visible blush showing in his face. y/n shook his shoulders, "u-uh, did i say something wrong? are you okay?" he chuckled softly, "thank you n/n, and since you finally called me by my first name, i've forgiven you for torturing me with our uno game sessions!" they both laughed at each other, their friendship was surely blooming into a good one.

i remember using the alias "pink-haired dude" for yuuma when writing this chapter lmao >∀<


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